I haven't had shoots but the cooked/canned bamboo i've smelled my mom makes isn't that appealing tho i'm a lot pickier than this couple to begin with lol
We saw a flashback of high school chihiro but surprised not of Kenta before (well other than the middle school trip of him not participating b/c of his jersey? XD)
I don't think i ever bought a separate planner, other than diff notebooks for other subjects i think a school planner was provided for us in some schools tho i don't think i ever had to write down stuff too often there
But yeah other than a smartphone app a physical planner might be good with memorization when you write something down. or just decorate it in cutesy bbq stickers
"Before they run out" Is it normal for a store to run outta supplies like that, even for back to school season i assume there'd be office supply stores that'd have some versus some student specific brands that'd have appealing designs/colors on the cover