- when she picked up those war sex slaves even though she already has a reputation as a pedo, nominally to save them but remember that her reputation is a concern right now
- imagine being an orphaned child slaves and the exact person responsible for your shackles, dead family, and permanent whip marks bought you and said "hey that was messed up what I did back then, to make it up for you I'm going to give you an all expenses paid education to be my personal servant

ur welcome". How do you think you would feel.
-"I realize I was humiliating you poor soldiers by paying you lots of money to have wild, wonton sex with a hot redhead and hang out with your shirtless homies in the off time. Worry not - I'm cancelling it now. now you can fulfill your dreams and go be a soldier in a war. Or a milkman. Get a job is what I'm saying. Why are you crying?"
-MC being baffled why the concubine she no longer fucks is cranky and bitter, especially when in the same room as the concubine she fucks regularly
-"I don't want to have sex unless you do" or whatever dumb shit she said this chapter: when is she going to realize that a) her concubines have different personalities and needs, yet she treats them as if they're all soft boy Nadraekas. B) She keeps trying to push this #enthusiasticconsent thing on him and he doesn't like it. He clearly wants to have sex, he clearly had strong, potentially positive feelings about the original princess, and (in MY opinion) he is clearly using "my mistress told me to" to get around any mental hangups he has about submitting to her. Combined with his obsession with punishment that MC didn't want to feed into, her "kindness" comes across as cruelty.