@Choco-Bar She, along with her husband, got thrown into a high security prison. I'd say it's pretty fitting. Of course it was never stated how long they'd be in prison, but I'd guess it would be for an indefinite time, which basically means for life. She lost everything due to her greed and now she gets to wallow in a small cell till the end of her days.
good thing Britney isn't hurt. imagine how many wrestling moves the grandpa would use on the kidnappers. if you know DW8's Huang Gai alt musou (Backbreaker), that's what i'm thinking
I'm guessing it'd be for life. In the middle ages, nobles who are imprisoned for crimes are not freed unless they are granted a pardon (usually through bribes). In some cases, nobles live well in their cages as they are allowed luxuries by the warden either due to promised benefits or regular payments by the noble's family member.
@Svelandria and @Aichan I have a feeling, that they'll be in the prison for a bit, until they escape with the help of someone and come back in an attempt to get back at them (for plot reasons). Could be wrong though, don't know about the actual future plot.
if there's no change from the WN we'll never see the evil aunt and uncle again. However there is much later content where Britney's mum appears again - she's another awful selfish type too.