Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 77 - You're definitely not interested in any of this, Senpai!!

Sep 15, 2020
Thus, Senpai begins his long journey to learn under Nagataro, the Noodle Master. Over time, he will encounter other Masters of other martial styles and disciplines, and go on many journeys to become: Histories Strongest Disciple!

The prologue is over... From now on, this is a Battle Manga! Senpai, Tatakau!

On a more serious note, I wonder how they'll be animating the noodliness I hope they do something cool with it.
Aggregator gang
Feb 9, 2020
Ponytail Nagatoro huh......nice. Very nice.
This is why i love manga/anime that actually change up their characters appearance from their usually clothes/hairstyle.
The contrast is usually a thing of beauty.
Sep 17, 2019
@Tsenzai Nagatoro will go the way of Negima or Medaka Box, a slice-of-life romance that becomes wild battles
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
@OsTB maybe. Like I said, I could be very wrong.. The story was always just a light hearted goofy Rom com right. Toward the middle there was some connective tissue and a little progression. But the author would still sometimes just drop story lines when they felt like they were at there mid point. Like when nags and senpai decide to hangout at the fair but then we didn't get get a chapter of them hanging out. And now it feels like random elements out of nowhere are just being tacked on kindve out of nowhere. Senpai has 2 buds. Nags is an mma/muay Thai enthusiasts. I've written on projects where I just wanted to go on to the next one but it got popular and I needed money so I couldn't. I did very similar stuff to expand it. For comparison sake, if you look at boku no kokoro, you notice nothing is disjointed, each chapters progression leads to the next. Nothing seems randomly thrown in. Again though, I've only read through nagatoro 1 time so maybe I just missed the hints and connective tissue
Active member
Feb 21, 2020
@MrMcNasty Thanks !
Trying to read it, but boy, I feel extremely bad for the girl, I don't know if I'll be able to finish :')

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