Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 11 Ch. 79 - What is it, Senpai?

Aug 29, 2018
I sometimes ask this in the comment section. What is the average age of mangadex reader?
Aug 16, 2020

Yeah I already know what you are saying. But the male MC was just saying that she is not acting her usual self, which I believe is another phrase for “what’s wrong”. Her reacting that way is pretty toxic imo and kinda rich coming from the FeMC who keeps (imo) taunting/teasing the MC when he makes silly mistakes (most of the time). Btw real winners/champions does not react to loses like her, they get motivated to get better after every loss, I guess she is not much of a winner/champion after all.
Nov 8, 2019
In my opinion the use of 'normalfag' feels out of place. I think it's primarily because to me at least it seems like an insult, while it seemed much more like they were teasing the MC instead of insulting him to his face.

PS: It's perfectly acceptable to provide constructive criticism of the translation and to provide your opinion.

PPS: It's quite telling when people defending the use of 'normalfag' only have the argument that it's 'normal' because they use it. Just because it's a word that charecters of that age would probably know doesn't make it a good/accurate translation.
Active member
Jan 22, 2018
I don't know man
Then don't write it in the first place.
one panel
"... really frustrated whenever she lost." Implies regularity.
nothing in either art or text about her being "consoled
True. I admit factually wrong and misleading wording. I tried to convey that Nagatoro kept her eye on Orihara, continued training with her, and considering Orihara's attitude that they were pals (at least from Orihara perspective).
Feb 14, 2018
Don't get yourself so worked up, kid. "Cancel culture" is the centrist/corporatist political establishments trying to weaponize the idea of a more equitable and accepting world against their political enemies. People who actually want to make the world a better place want to call in, not call out. And also generally support being more open and accepting about sexuality. Anti-porn crusades are bible-beater & TERF s**t, and those people are *reactionaries*. Wanting to censure *actual rapists* does not imply supporting that nonsense.

Opportunistic bad actors out there will use anything they can grab if it makes a convenient club. That has no bearing on whether a particular word choice is going to sound cringey (/even cringier) in 10 years.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
So it was ok while you won, but you gave up and quited after losing once?
Sounds like those thugs that only take advantage of those weaker than them and hide from the strong.
What a weak willed as fuck coward.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 28, 2019
Man Nagatoro's story kinda reminds me of Sasuke getting pissed that Naruto just seems to be getting stronger and stronger while he is barely getting stronger, back during OG Naruto. Kakashi tells Sasuke something along the lines of him being at lvl 50 while Naruto is at Lvl 1 and so of course Naruto will seem to be getting stronger faster. It is because Sasuke was just way stronger than Naruto to begin with, and thus it takes more training to raise his current lvl than Naruto. I kinda have a feeling that Paisen will say something along those same lines to Nagatoro.
Sep 4, 2020
Oh no, f ggots are complaining. Shut the fck up u ret rds. This is their translation. They are providing us with free English translation and y'all bitching about their translation, my god just stfu. Btw translators keep y'all doing and have a nice day. Don't let these fcktards affect you.
Dec 17, 2020
holy fck , what happened to the comment section. Anyway, love the translation fam, KEEP IT UPPP !!!😃😃
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2019
So it was ok while you won, but you gave up and quited after losing once?
Sounds like those thugs that only take advantage of those weaker than them and hide from the strong.
What a weak willed as fuck coward.

I imagine Senpai will find a somewhat kinder way to say this, but yeah, that's exactly where this should be going. Nagatoro is being exactly the kind of wimp that he used to be before Nagatoro started dragging him kicking and screaming out of his comfort zone. If she can't handle it if the shoe is on the other foot, she doesn't deserve him. The moment of truth.

Well-done cliffhanger, if nothing else.

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