Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 43 - You can definitely put up a good fight, Senpai!!

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Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@ChadMemeLord Thank you for actually treating me as a person. No need to be so apologetic, presenting your side is great. I actually agree with almost everything you said. In the panel I referred to earlier, panel 3 of page 8, the sharp bubbles come across as slapping to me. In my mind, that goes beyond just playful "bullying" induced by affection, and is in no way ok.

I didn't say I hate her character, or the manga, like some people seem to assume. I only said I'm getting tired of her constantly hitting him, and can't wait for her to grow out of it. She's already made great progress.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
@cor3zone @Sharpedgs
but abuse is the original premise of Nagatoro
and no, it's not just "playful bullying" nor a "masculine intimacy routine"
it's full-on Thai kicks to the ass

serialized Nagatoro is tame because all paisen gets is slaps to the back

why is it important? because paisen is hinted to actually like getting abused by a cute clingy kouhai, and is okay with everything but being made to feel jealous
the abuse itself is fetish territory, but it also sets the baseline for the moe gap - this is missing in the serialzation

actually, Nagatoro and paisen has already shown plenty of development from the beginning
but @cor3zone, maybe your expectations are just a bit different

oh right, this Nagatoro is actually gentle
Jul 15, 2019
@cor3zone Ahhh, I think that's likely just using "shounen action style" in drawing for the sake of comedy. Including the lines across the panel imitating the typical background movement blur panels in shounen battle manga.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@jonsmth I am aware of the original Nagatoro, but I refuse to factor it in when judging this series. They are not the same characters, in any way but name.

I have already admitted Nagatoro has developed, several posts ago, what are you referring to? My expections are for them to eventually grow into an actual loving couple, what are yours?

@ChadMemeLord Whatever it is, I think it's not ok.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 7, 2018
This took a while to build up, but the execution was BRILLIANT. Who's a couple now, kids. Ain't no one believing that you are not.
Jun 23, 2018

You do realize the author said they are the same people, just this is at an earlier point in their relationship. Paisen is an M, Noodletoro is a S. There are plenty of hints that Nagotoro has her own deep insecurities and is pretty dependent on Senpai (as in this case she translates her feelings into domming, but she collapses the moment she thinks Paisen isn't into her). There are real people who get off on that sort of shit and I'm not going to judge two fictional characters because of the shit they are into.

You are yelling at clouds because rain is wet and you don't understand the connection between "standing out in the rain" and "I am now drenched and need a shower."

Being charitable, you need to stop posting about this series you don't like with a premise you don't morally agree with.
Active member
Dec 4, 2018
Bleugh, morons who cant differentiate between real life and manga are more common by the day in comments, huh...

No one cares how you were unable to stand up for yourself vs those 5 or 10 bullies all those years ago.

Yep, I lack empathy, I am not here for your useless talk about nonrelated irl stuff and your attention seeking selfhealing trials, Im here for manga and manga-related talk.


Semen Demon Lord... Damn, my hentai filter needs this. :-o Those are some serious jugs, even after all these chapters.
Jul 14, 2019
Damn, Paisen's drawings are actually really impressive. He needs something with a bit more oomph in order to beat whatever it seems the prez has prepared...because whatever it is it KO'd Nagatoro. I really hope it's not another exhibitionist piece though, but it seems like it is. The girls seem to be working on something to counter it nonetheless. Nekotoro? Anyway, I'm still pretty confident Paisen will win.

I'm glad to see that Paisen is now treating it as a joint problem rather than just his own problem like before. Made Nagatoro happy to hear that too. Also, Chadpai making Nagatoro blush every chapter now.

And as usual, more Nagatoro greatness. Noodletoro is always a joy to see. Absolutely loved all the faces she made this chapter, especially the blushing when Gamo pointed out it's like he's looking at her like a lover and then her clearly disappointed "EH?" face when Paisen said he's not. This "face" is one my new favorites:

I need one of those Nekotoro straps.

Can't wait for the next one.
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2018
Nanashi confirmed that senpai is kind of an M, so he kinda likes it when it is a little painful.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@saladofstones I don't need to do anything. This is a public forum. You are free to voice your opinion. My opinion is: you're dumb if you think my posts are any of your business. Don't like them, block or report me.

I don't care what the author might have said. I care about the work itself, what is actually on the pages.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@cor3zone 43 chapters. 43. I have no need to treat you with respect when you clearly don't have respect for us or the manga. Stop reading. Stop posting. It's literally that simple. No one cares about your whining, you are being obnoxious.
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