I dont think that this problem is as hard as its made out to be. There certainly has to be someone skilled enough in archery, maybe even a couple guys skilled in archery that would be able to instantly kill all of the traitors kidnapping the fmc as soon as the negotioations start. And even if its not archers, dont tell me a duke of his caliber doesnt retain a few assassins himself that would be more than capable of killing some upstart annoyances. Also, why does the necessary intelligence network for a person as grand as a duke not pick up on people that had that background. I certainly believe that all the people that were made to be candidates had some sort of background check and any fabricated or wonky claims wouldnt have gone through. The whole arc feel unnecessary just because so many things are, at least to me, too coincidental to work out that way. I dont expect much from stories like these but come on.... Even before the fmc was kidnapped, the kidnapping would not have gone unnoticed. There ought to be servants and guards everywhere at the mansion to prevent harm and serve the consort candidates.