27話更新しました。最近(誰かさんの要望で)甘々イチャイチャ描写が続いていましたが、そろそろストーリーを進めることにしましょうかね。ふふっ #さらなみ
Chapter 27 has been updated. Recently, (due to someone’s request) there’s been a lot of sweet, lovey-dovey scenes, but maybe it’s time to move the story forward, don’t you think? Hehe #Saranami
You know this is a flashback, and they broke up, right?It has never been so OVER for Hikaricels, it's unbelievable.
Feel like they went into this like the writers and film makers went into the last star wars trilogy.Author on X:
Artist on X:
If you’re looking to blame someone for the recent pacing, blame Yom. But hey, it seems like the story’s finally starting to move again.
Thanks for the chapter!