magic in this world seems to be very much material generation, so it's a bit more grounded in what it's meant to do. doubly so when it's not a spell and instead imbued to a material (like in the case here of stopping the wind).Considering “magic” exists in this world surprised the horses aren’t equipped with some magic saddle/horseshoe that’d make it easier to make quick stops or sharp turns if necessary but I guess it’d be too easy if magic solved everything
14 is a great meme face reaction
Love how mc considered stealing it versus creating his own brake parts with materials but it might be better to buy an existing one
You'll never cat me alive!
The manga has been developing differently from the web novel and I got to say it’s definitely more enjoyable.
...but if you have magical propulsion, can't you just reverse your acceleration?
I mean, you'll want brakes to come to a complete stop, but if you use the "engine" to slow down from higher speeds, it will save a lot of wear and tear.
Edit: I realize now that it doesn't mention how fast they are going when trying to stop, so this might be what they plan to do anyway.
Miyabi should hire a suitable person, an early engineer, to design the brakes and such, even if he afterwards fabricated them himself. If he hasn't got much of a vision for it, he will never get it done safely. If that kingdom has anything a bit more complicated mechanically, like clock towers, wind/waterwills, whatever, he should check out if there's a person with a correct mindset and talent. If we are talking about a whole train, not just the locomotive, the breaking system is a bit more complicated than in a horse carriage. The operator needs to be able to apply the brakes on every car, even if the train is split in two. It took some good minds and lots of experimentation (and a few deadly accidents) to get the RL trains there.
I've said it before, but I wouldn't be able to work with Mel. Because I'd be patting her head all the time. It's exactly at the perfect height for it.
Some minor changes include Red Cliff having four active members while the mange has three, Mel sees Miyabi dig a massive hole and overreacts like Liz, where in the manga she doesn't overreact at all. Elenor views Miyabi as a younger brother that is always getting into trouble and Liz comments on Miyabi acting like a farther a lot more in the web novel.Out of curiosity, could you spoil how it's been diverging?
tho now that that is brought up, I wonder if they specified if the infinite water source needs to be recharged to function lol (not so infinite anymore)
I'm gonna be totally honest and say that TIL that carriages had brakes.