Princess and Saintess hide it pretty well. They put his well being above all else, so despite being yandere they avoid causing him any trouble, emotionally or otherwise.-> "Discovered"
EXCUSE MEEEEEE!!!??? I thought he had gotten the idea, if not from the princess and the saintess, from the freaking ASSASSIN THAT BROKE INTO HIS ROOM!
I didn't expect him to be that dense, Christ.
Oh you sweet summer child, you have noooooo~ idea what's about to happen. When they say "the start of the world getting uprooted", I can assure you it's not what you're thinking. If you wish for answers, ask the question and I shall provide~These two meeting is the start of the world getting "Uprooted"? By this point in time Kanata has already single handedly managed:
And the introduction of some guy that can make USB sticks is the start of the world getting uprooted? Honestly, why? Kanata's streams can already be archived (the saintess and princess talk about watching one on a night he doesn't stream), have the ability to be distributed everywhere at the same time for free, and anyone that was already watching his streams by that point would've seen the time he basically told the world "I'll make this God sign appear in the sky at this time" and it actually happened. And that's just the stuff the characters in the world would be aware of, the audience knows that Kanata has not only 1 obsessed superfan god, but at least 2. There's legitimately nothing that the USB guy has to offer the story except as another character. It's like the author realized that the story wouldn't be able to be dragged out to chapter 60 with the current character list and that all the interesting plot points were basically taken care of already so they decided to throw in a new guy to play the straight-man character along with the MC
- The demon king calling off the full frontal war with humans
- One of the bigger human kingdoms making slavery and abusing prostitutes illegal
- Disproving rumors about Streamer through the use of (potentially global) divine sightings
- Kanata has seen literally with his own eyes that the God that brought him there is making merch of him and told him she was a fan
- The most notorious assassin in the world retiring
Looks like people need correction even in an alternative world."Small fry~" (Page 14)