@mommunism You can't tell me that you're Christian just because you follow the tenets of Christianity without actually believing that God himself exists. Polytheistic Gods were just ways for people to rationalize the horrible and amazing things that happen in this twisted world of ours.
To believe in Buddhism doesn't just mean that you act in accordance to those beliefs, but that you believe you will be rewarded with an ascension to nirvana if you are successful.
That's the scam of any religion that tells you of a reward only after death. There's no way to prove it. But these fantasy religions always give their rewards to the living which makes the whole point of faith moot.
I can agree that there is an element of faith with regards to believing that the teachings of a religion will lead to a fulfilling life, but that could be said of anything that anyone says. That doesn't make Dr. Phil or Jordan Peterson a God of his own religion.