That inventory stuff seem like annoying to translate. Hopefully it only serve as a msg and we will not have to recall those exact item later in duel. Btw, DnD have weight limit right? Both list (original and edited) seem tad heavy for someone with 1hp.
This series seems to be using 1st Edition Pathfinder rules (for the most part), which is a game system that branched off of 3.5 Edition Dungeons and Dragons.
With the MC's Strength of 9 (at least in Chapter 2) he can hold 30lbs or less without penalty, 31-60lbs with a medium penalty, and 61-90lbs with a heavy penalty. The most stuff he can carry at once is 90lbs.
He has 2 shortbows (2lbs each), a warhammer (5lbs), a club (3lbs), a morning star (6lbs), a sword (4lbs?), and a longspear (9lbs) for a total of 61lbs of just weapons.
So he'd be heavily encumbered right now, and taking a serious -6 penalty to skill checks, his movement speed is reduced to 20ft per round (down from 30), and his running speed is reduced to 3x (from 5x).
Thankfully he's not doing anything right now, so he doesn't have to worry about any penalties. And as other people have pointed out his bag of holding reduces all that weight to 0lbs which allows him to be a serious packrat.