Isekai Yakkyoku - Ch. 30.1 - Each One's Utmost (First Part)

Aug 11, 2018
@WickedHeart I came here only to check if someone recognized Polish coat of arms 😀

Now I understand why Polish navy seems so weak - their ships patrol other worlds' seas 😂
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 13, 2020
short answer: well yes, but it's not that simple. "only pass-through" is too abstract

long answer (that I find in wiki):
Bubonic plague is an infection of the lymphatic system, usually resulting from the bite of an infected flea, Xenopsylla cheopis (the rat flea). In very rare circumstances, as in the septicemic plague, the disease can be transmitted by direct contact with infected tissue or exposure to the cough of another human. The flea is parasitic on house and field rats, and seeks out other prey when its rodent hosts die. The bacteria remain harmless to the flea, allowing the new host to spread the bacteria. The bacteria form aggregates in the gut of infected fleas and this results in the flea regurgitating ingested blood, which is now infected, into the bite site of a rodent or human host. Once established, bacteria rapidly spread to the lymph nodes and multiply.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018

that masks reduce transmission due to the reduced range of droplet travel.
The thing that won't pass through the mask is the phlegm that someone coughs at you.
Guess what. Learn to read. And I literally linked it to boot. You just want to argue about something, don't you?.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 13, 2020
I'm, not a medical person but from what I've read bubonic plague is in the most part transmitted through the land animal, but if there's more context like the ship is heading straight to the shore carried by the wind, its much more preferable to sink it and only small debris that got to the shore. or if the ship actually really far away from the shore to the point there's no wave that can carry the debris because the weather is calm, it's a good idea to sink it.

well, letting unmanned infected ship just going through your country sea is really terrifying, the ship could collide to other ships, hit the port, etc.

Also you can go to this comment section page 1 and look for a comment by Red225, its much more detailed.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 9, 2018
@criver If you think we're saying the same thing, I suggest you look up what the word 'phlegm' means and how that's different from respiratory droplets. I'm actually not particularly in the mood to argue, but I think it's important to be clear on the facts with regards to a global pandemic.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018

Phlegm (/ˈflɛm/; Ancient Greek: φλέγμᾰ, phlégma, "inflammation", "humour caused by heat") is mucus produced by the respiratory system, excluding that produced by the nasal passages. It often refers to respiratory mucus expelled by coughing, otherwise known as sputum.

You can argue that "droplets" also includes saliva or whatever. I did however link something that provided more than enough context for my statement, so that you wouldn't have a reason to nitpick it because every possible definition of droplet was not included. Yet here we are. Be that as it may, this still doesn't change my original statement before you decided to try dogpiling and nitpicking. Particles will pass through the mask regardless, which was a reply to an entirely different comment than yours.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2020
What happened here was akin to what happened to Karen....
Wherein, she her chance to stardom peacefully, and gain the wrath of meme lords...
Apr 25, 2019
The virus will get through to the surface of the mask due to how small they are, but a study has shown that the amount of transmission through the air if you wear a mask vs not wearing one is indeed greatly reduced.

The study was done using COVID19 patients and they had the patients not wear a mask, a surgical mask, or a 2 layer cotton mask. They were then asked to cough in the direction of a petri dish 20cm away. In the cases where the patient wore a surgical mask or the cotton mask, the SARS-CoV-2 viral load on the petri dishes were significantly smaller than the viral load on the petri dish when the patient was asked to cough with no mask on. In other words, a proper mask worn well is better than no mask at all.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 9, 2018
@criver I'm really not nitpicking at all; they're not the same thing and trying to draw up a false equivalence between the two won't change that. If you're going to spread information regarding the virus and how it can be prevented, then the onus is on you to be accurate.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018

In other words, a proper mask worn well is better than no mask at all.
Which no one is arguing against. In most countries a "proper" mask is not required however. Which makes the whole thing a farce.
Similarly, no amount of "proper" masks stacked on top of each other will help you if you are at close proximity to sick people often (e.g. high population density - which I mentioned several comments back). Which was my original point towards the clown labeling people morons and fools, as if the only predictor of infection was social distancing and wearing masks.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 4, 2019
@criver man, why is everyone out for your blood like you're some kind of anti-vaxxer? XD

tbf when I said safety protocols I meant everything, not just masks. Social distancing, working from home, not having 20+ people gather in a small bar for partying in the middle of a pandemic... Since this isn't a perfect world, there's always gonna be people doing dumb shit (like retards holding COVID parties to catch it, like what the actual fuck).

You know what? Whatever, I don't even remember the point I was trying to make, have a good day.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@criver you catch the virus when you get a sufficient amount of virus in your system that some of them are able to reproduce in your body.

Masks help reduce the spread by lowering the distance you need to be to avoid high viral load transmission.
Distance helps reduce the spread by simply needing the virus to travel further, which means you get less of it on you.
Washing your hands helps reduce the chance of accidentally touching an infectious surface and getting that into your respiratory system.

Now you still might catch Covid19 if you are unlucky enough to have some virus slip through your mask and start reproducing, just like you might be unlucky enough to be hit by a car ramming into your living room.

But if you and others don't wear a mask, the odds go up of infection being spread.
If you don't keep your distance, the odds go up again.
If you don't wash your hands, odds go up.
If you crowd around people in an unventilated area, the odds go up big time.

Not wearing a mask, not washing your hands, and getting close to people is tantamount to going out onto the highway with your eyes closed and wearing all black. The odds of getting hit by a car goes way up.

Now, it doesn't help that not everyone wears a mask. That's not great.

But if at least SOME people wear a mask, that STILL reduces the rate of virus spread. Just because one guy doesn't wear a mask, it still helps if everyone ELSE wears a mask. Because there is less virus being spread out to other people.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@Red225 Your point being? None of the above contradicts what I stated or what I think. Except for this probably:
Not wearing a mask, not washing your hands, and getting close to people is tantamount to going out onto the highway with your eyes closed and wearing all black.
But I'll chalk the latter to being a hyperbole.

man, why is everyone out for your blood like you're some kind of anti-vaxxer? XD
It's mangadex's comments, it's to be expected.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Bad times to be sure. If only they followed the public instructions.
Best available decisions made overall here, I think.

Man...I was thinking that this manga would only be appropriate for so long when we got to the big BD since updates are slow, but looks like it might outpace our own pandemic arc.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 21, 2019
Wow, manga mobs did something right and sunk that death trap before going aboard and spreading it to everyone? I'm surprised. Almost impressive.

Also, I didn't realize we were supposed to make whiny comments on COVID instead of the manga, my bad. But I can't think of anything whiny so I'll just leave my manga comment here....on this manga website...
Aggregator gang
Mar 5, 2019
Ok, I'm not quoting everyone but i'll make a list.

Masks help

Yes, however, nearly everyone where I am refuses to wear real masks, thus someone already linked the unproven 'home made' masks
A surgical mask will help if you cough, however the people telling you to wear a mask concede that it prevents 20%, links to this one are old, but it was I believe cdc
The masks that DO help you are 35$ pre covid and are one time use/10 hours of use only whichever comes first
but all that's inside when most people I see refuse to even wear the mask properly because they are miserable to wear especially with glasses.

This would have been over sooner

In america the point of the lockdowns were to flatten the curve, it was never to stop the spread, given we were projected to have 1-2 million deaths by july, and we had 200k as of today, doing a fairly good job.
now for everyone not in america, I know your news is even more skued than it is in america, so i will give a small rundown off the top of my head

before this ever went public/became part of public knowledge, america offered help to china on the new potential thread, they refused
early january, president stopped travel from china, the democrats called it racist and tried to block it
in the beginning when shit was starting to get real, the president advised to say inside, new york and california I believe told everyone 'eff trump, go out and party', there were likely more then just these two, but due to the massive cities, these were the most damning ones.
every single step of the way where a treatment was found and the president would tell people progress or in the case of france finding out malaria drugs helped, every single news outlet and the opposing party shit on it or out right tells you to do the opposite.
In the early days, a few governors had covid patients shipped to retirement homes... this is where 50k of our death toll (from when it was 150k) comes from.

Another thing, an attack vector that people like to point out, the president did not defund task forces for pandemics, what he wanted to do if I remember correctly, was remove the group that came up with the protocols for what to do, because their job was done but they were still around. but because media cant let a good or even neutral articles be made, they have to sku the truth... lies by omission.

In 100% honesty, there was no better person to put in charge because both sides were unprepared

This would have been over sooner
part 2

now, we are going into a bit of politics here and 'conspiracy theory'

from day one the democrats hated trump, and from year one many were wishing for a recession. My understanding is pre pandemic, the economy was doing better then ever, but there was an undercurrent that a recession was going to happen, but every few weeks you would find a democrat wishing for or saying a recession was coming trying to provoke a market response to damage the economy because till covid that's the only vector they had to really get at the president.

covid happens, and mostly liberal places royally screw up, they blame the president. but they are given almost free reign in how they handle the situation. This is both good and bad, good in the way that the president did not power grab during a crisis like every other president would have but bad in the way that they allowed a prepertral lockdown of democrat areas. Notice a small mom and pop store that has fewer people going into it would spread the virus less then lets say a walmart, but for some reason walmart is allowed to have the whole store open...
So a recession was forced.

Now keep in mind, we were only trying to flatten the curve so hospitals were not overwhelmed... there were several nurses and possibly a few doctors (this is from a long time ago cant remember if it was just nurses) who got fired for even suggesting their hospital wasn't over run. the only message you could put out was 'oh we effed'. I'm not denying some of the worst areas are in a bad situation, but its FAR from what we were told, weather this is down to early numbers being heavily skewed (they were) or if this is down to the lockdowns were effective, who knows. but we do have the freedom of information act, and at least one area that wouldn't tell the numbers, and shut every bar down had the numbers leak, the every business down when there were only 90 total cases linked to them... over the next few years, we are going to find out how much we really needed to lock down, and i'm making a prediction now, democratic areas were far to overzealous in their lockdowns for some reason... see the first section of part 2 for why.

Cases in general as they relate to america

Ok, in america we have a 15-17000$ grant for each case of covid that comes in that results in a death, this has seen people in motorcycle accidents who had covid marked as a covid death, so the number is a bit skewed.

with this in mind the cdc did a study to find out more about covid deaths, and found that only 7% of the deaths were solely covid, putting the total death toll below .05% or 1 in 5000 for healthy people, and this number is going down as we find out how many people were actually asymptomatic and how many people just had cold like symptoms and thought nothing of it.

our covid cases going up is generally do to testing being wider spread, not so much a failure of containment, and this is something we were never attempting to do in the first place

Overall response bad...

we were never trying to contain it as it would never work
we were never meant to be shut down this long regardless of cases
we tried to stop the spread from coming in as best as possible, but realistically, it was too late as it was already here in the december area
I will agree its not perfect, but it 100% became political and that more or less makes no one take it seriously
Politicians are not abiding by the rules they set in place, mostly on the democrat side, which also makes people see how seriously people are taking it.

I can't say we did good or bad, given we were projected 1-2 million deaths early on and we are at 200k FAR further down the road then they thought.

I think the better road we could have taken was have old and severely unhealthy people quarantine as they are more likely to bite it, and when I say old, I mean nearing average life expectancy.
we could have opened up sooner, we could open up more things, and given how little masks help, we could make those tasks/activities not miserable.

I agree with masks when you obviously have symptoms or you have a bad cough... but the incubation time more or less forces everyone, healthy or not, to forever wear a mask, and this may be me being callous seeing that I already had it and was asymptomatic while also having several of the modifiers that make death more likely, im not willing to live my life with a mask permanently attached to me and eye protection (yes this was a thing that was suggested a few months back, but due to near universal reluctance to do that, was never brought further then a talking point)

Now, this was long, and anything more from this will likely fall into politics far more than I would want to go on a manga site as I already left some things off due to the political nature of any conversation going forward with it and focused it as much as I could on the virus and the response to it.

I hope this gives some people outside america a bit of a different view knowing you are more or less lied to more than us about our country in the news.
Group Leader
Dec 28, 2018
@zarian2 I thought they would of used fire arrows to burn the deck before sinking it to at least roast the corpses on top...

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