@Ca_Calico it's a standard meaning of the word. It's just old-fashioned these days. For a reference, the refrain of "The Mighty Quinn" uses it: Come all without, come all within
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn
@Ca_Calico it's very olden or theatrical style of the usage more common in medieval to pre-industrial dramas. I was happy to see it here tbh.
Yeah son! Prince showing all new levels and combos of "Dere" there's a mix of "Ku", "Dan" and "Yan" all in one. While the Lady is now all "Air-head-ish Dere", if there was such a thing.
Lol kuro expresses her distaste 'tia you can do better than this demon but fine' stabs cecil with tail.
I wonder how the story will go forward now that the light spirit and heroine are gone. Will we get introduced to a final boss or is the final boss just cecil's unhealthy uncaring attitude? Or maybe Tia finally stops living like everyone has a fixed role in a story?
Anyway we know Tia's moe will win in the end as she is just the most refreshing and sweetest crown princess.