Juujika no Rokunin - Ch. 183 - Innocent

Dec 26, 2020
Who fuckin cares?
Who fuckin cares if they were friends?

He killed your little brother right in front of your fuckin face.

Take off the headset, shoot this psycho right between his fucking eyeballs, and let's be done with it goddamn.
Exactly. It's all irrelevant now who fuck this guy is. Kill the bastard already.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2023
I've figured it out guys! The VR is just a live feed to an identical town and all the NPCs are just actors with plastic surgery.

Either that or this is some kind of hypnotic trance Kyou put him in to unlock his suppressed memories (or insert false ones).

I know that all sounds ludicrous but it's still more believable than Kyou building a state-of-the-art VR game that's indistinguishable from real life all just to fuck with one guy.
Makes a lot of sense, now that you brought it up. After all, what kind of VR has the functions of a time machine?
Jan 17, 2019
What if the author did the greatest ass-pull of all time and this wasn't actually VR, but an actual time machine?

Maybe current time Shun will lose his temper with past Kyou and hurt him, traumatizing his own younger self into forgetting this ever happened and turning Kyou into the psychopath we know today. :finnawoke:

(pls no)
Oct 2, 2024
i didn't think it was possible to out bullshit baki of all things but this insane vr game segment where the mc just goes along with it instead of killing the guy who ruined his life, WHO IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. genuinely insane
Dex-chan lover
May 22, 2019
Is the author trying to have us sympathize with the villain or they setting us up with some bullshit VR exhibition that doesn't exist. Or as someone mentioned above, a bunch of kids that plastic surgery creating a false narrative.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
So, the way this is going to go is that it's gonna say that Shun is the one that introduced Kyou to those four kids, and try to paint everything as his own fault.

Which is complete nonsense... But more importantly...

If this whole setup is something that Kyou made... There's no reason whatsoever to believe that the story it tells is anything other than a fabrication that he made. Like... Why do we care?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 25, 2023
I've figured it out guys! The VR is just a live feed to an identical town and all the NPCs are just actors with plastic surgery.

Either that or this is some kind of hypnotic trance Kyou put him in to unlock his suppressed memories (or insert false ones).

I know that all sounds ludicrous but it's still more believable than Kyou building a state-of-the-art VR game that's indistinguishable from real life all just to fuck with one guy.
That has got to be the most logical explanation that I have heard all day 👍👍
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 6, 2023
im telling you! at the end of the series shun is gonna kiss shigoku and they're gonna have a happy family together. this might be the best ending ive ever seen in my entire life
Group Leader
Mar 22, 2019
So like this is just bad guy trying to brainwash him right? I literally won’t accept any other explanation since that would mean there’s something that brainwashed him already and like why would that be the case and if that is the case the author will probably try to drag this shitty story out longer. There is literally no point to have this be a real major twist. theres way too many holes in this for this twist to be real anyway.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2023
predicting that everything that happened was actually shun's fault because of whatever he did to kyou as a 6 year old or something
Aug 22, 2020
Isn't it a bit too late to give substance to kyou? my guy you literally implied he was insane. he didn't have a reason to do all this shit, he just did for shits and giggles.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 29, 2020
Its not even the ending and its shit. Is this suppose to change the fact that this guy killed his brother and like all the people around him?
I swear if it has anything to do with the MC suddenly realizing that he "created the bad guy" trope, I'm gonna learn how to draw and draw 50 chapters of the author getting kicked in the balls.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2019
You know for the past several chapters "IRL" in-universe, Kawana has held Kyou at gun point using the pistol Uruma gave her before putting on the headset. Immediately after we entered this VR-arc, she could have just shot him and he's been lying dead already the entire time and we wouldn't know. Also, unrelated, but I could win the Powerball Lottery next week.

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