That was disappointing chapter.
I thought that Chizuru was tired of that shit and was waiting for Kazuya to confess properly. And now "oh no. grandma dying. what do" (read in ). Seriously? Do you even have feelings for him at this point?
Well, ok. She is (almost) not the bitch to lie till the end and not that easy to confess but at this point it's only her flashbacks without any rethinking from her side.
And for Kazuya. He is also tired, he can't tell when Chizuru acting as a rental and when it's her feelings. At this point he feels that he almost paid his debt to Chizuru (with movie) and now it's time to end that rent. On the other hand he got many other potential gf's but... no. He doesn't love Ruka and know it, she does love idea of a boyfriend that keeps her heart beating fast (adrenaline junkie lol). Sumi' s actions will be ignored by that idiot. Mini just random supporting character. Hope he got over Mami, if not - bad simp end.
And for "reality" Kazuya have family and determined future. And Chizuru after gran's death will be alone, and work success is not guranteed (weinstein's way or rental or miracle).
And for grans. Sayuri is a bit annoying. That drama about Chizuru's acting thing, talking with Kazuya (care for Chizuru), and that arc with weak drama.
Nagomi is better and be like "What, broke up with Chizuru? Ok, I knew that she was out of your league anyway. No break up? Don't you dare lose her, moron. Chizuru, welcome home!"
And yes, stretching the manga again. Time to expect nothing and be still disappointed (hope anime and Sumi's spinoff will be better).