"Am i missing something?"
You missed everything that happend in the recent chapters ... She is not blunt ... She act like she is.
"She sees him as a CLIENT. No physical attraction. He's not funny. He's not rich. Not good looking."
The fuck you think Chizuru is ? A Gold Digger ?
Chizuru already started to like him, when he helped her to make the movie for her grandma. When her grandma passed away and after Kazuya tried to cheer her up. She was alone at her house and was talking to her grandma about Kazuya while laughing, telling her gandma how cleansed she felt thanks to Kazuya (go read chapter 166). You think she will think about a client and talk about a "client" to her deceased grandma, in such a private moment and important moment ?
As you can see in that chapter 166, she say's
"He is not my bf, And i am just a RentalGf. .... BUT ... I am unfit as a professional" This line from her, shows that she put her work before her emotions. That's why she is in denial at the moment. Also just look at the last page ... She is literally smilling while thinking about him ? The fuck you think this mean ?
"Why would she be attracted to HIM ?" You have your anwser now, because she knows who he is, and she know he care for her deeply.
"Every time he is in her presence she is annoyed with him" That's because, it's how she interacted with him when she first met him, she can't change her attitude. She just act like a variant of a tsundere. If she truly was annoyed by him she won't think of him when she is alone and she won't smile while thinking about him either. She care for him ...
Also there is other moment that shows that she don't see him as CLIENT. Like the moment she was searching for a "good" gift for him. Sure you give gift to client right ? ...
You are in a huge denial right now if you think Chizuru don't have feeling for him ... She might didn't have any feeling for him before, but now her feeling are clear like water.
Also you don't need any big reason to fall in love with someone. If you are happy to be with them or feel at home. It's enough of a reason. And Chizuru said it herself. She felt cleansed when she cried in his arms.
Right now it's just a matter of time for her to finally put her feelings before her works.
"Even when he asked her to lunch her immediate response was "No, What would my other clients think?"
As i said before, she put her work before her feeling. And she is not aware that he loves her.(look at chapter 170 page 17) She kept thinking about what Yaemori told her. Yaemori told her that Kazuya loved her. And Chizuru said "no he don't i already asked him". This show's that Chizuru isn't aware of his real feeling that's why she didn't hesitate to say "No", but because she is still curious about what "Yaemori" told her, she ended up accepting his request to have a chance to verify if he does have feeling for her.
You should pay more attention to what is shown during the chapters.