@WhisCalifa69 Alas, dunno why people tend to downplay Ruka's behavior. I know spoilers overblown her attitude, but still was a toxic move from her part to pull a Nino Nakano and go "Trial means jackshit for me, i love you bc it's FAAAAAAAAAATE!!" and then gaslighting his thoughts with the already obsolete "you a customer, she a rental" pretense.
There is indeed a wide gap between Sumi's goodheartedness (which Ruka does not have), and last thread's "it's not just that she only flipped her shit out of spontaneos rage. She insulted, shittalked and basically cursed out Kazuya and then went to stalk him when he was going to confess again."
Ruka's actual behavior falls somewhere in that gap, and we'll have to agree to disagree where -- I thought it was actually fairly standard fare for her, probably an improvement since it actually managed to be vaguely endearing. Speaking a lot of the readers' minds: "Uh, yeah, I know. Like, duh." Showing the capacity for reflection on her own actions (Kazuya endlessly moans and wails about his, but turns around and completely contradicts it with his actions). And what came across as looking out for his best interest above her own: Not sure what else to call it when she believes he's about to go down in flames, and tries to stop him because she knows he'll make himself a lot more miserable than if he slowly fizzles out.
PD2: a wordplay with the japanese title of this manga is understandably lost in translation. Ending note said "Kazuya, Kokuhakushimasu" at the end in the raws.
Nice! Thank you for the tidbit. 😊