Killing Bites - Vol. 18 Ch. 84 - "Who on Earth Decided That for Me?"

Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
Proof that some dogs are freaking crazy, and fear nothing.
I had a 150 lbs rottie. And my grandmother's itty bitty chihuahua had zero fear of him and would try to pick fights, lol.

Can't deny that cheetahs aren't built for combat, though. They have claws and fangs, sure. But they have no stamina.
Sep 2, 2020
@Istvan90623 don't get me wrong, I think she's completely capable of beating his ass, since she's
really strong and immune to Leo's cheating move just like Ratel.
But here's the thing, I think dino girl will be the big bad of this event, and Leo is just a red herring to be used as a stepping stone to show how much o a threat she actually is, and that is not gonna be achieved by beating a fucking giraffe.
Furthermore I think Leo is being played by evil corporation guy as a publicity stunt to have his dino pet beating the so called King, hence why he got rid of Tiger, also making Cheetah a strategic move, since they put quite a show for killing bites standard and boosted Leo's morale before his fall
I think Inui will be facing Ibex next round, although Alligator is still a wild card for me, I honestly cannot wait to see how the story unrolls🤔
(I could also be reading to much into it and ended up completely wrong and disappointed, it can't be helped, I like this dumb manga tio much for some reason 😅)
Dex-chan lover
Aug 19, 2019
I'm soooooo glad Cheetah didn't get some BS upgrade and won.

I really like Leo. Sure, he's a shitty Human Being, but he represents everything Bestial in a way no other Therianthrope besides Hitomi can.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
This author really likes to trash on Cheetah, huh? Every scene she's in she gets humiliated.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2018
I like how the author is just accurate portraying that hunting dogs like beagles are really fucking stupid. Like, sure, with everyone normalized into a human base body, the beagle may very well beat the lion. But real talk, a beagle wouldn't run away from a lion if its human was nearby, and that'd be really, incredibly stupid of it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
This is one of those series where the collective presentation and atmosphere of human society is twisted towards sadistic and uncaring, where ethics are thrown in the trash and masses just love to bully and encourage atrocities. Genetic experiments and furry deathmatches on telly wouldnt fly without convenient insanity from the plotline.
Jan 21, 2018
It could be possible that there are few or many civilians (percentage is unknown) who are against KB as a blood sport, but they don't have power/influence to stop it, or some or most (within this group) don't see hybrids as humans, and don't care about whether they live or die. More than stopping KB, the masses (and us readers) don't even know what are Shidou and the remaining zaibatsu's end goals.
Apr 30, 2019
If that's how the match ended than both the fight and chapter was so disappointing. What a dumb ass way to let Leo win. Cheetah should've at least get a couple good hits before the author to pull that BS. Fuck this chapter.
Jan 19, 2018
Actually, don't be too surprised at her being less afraid of the lion. There actually is a type of hound dog that was specifically bred for the purpose of hunting/killing lions.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
If that's how the match ended than both the fight and chapter was so disappointing. What a dumb ass way to let Leo win. Cheetah should've at least get a couple good hits before the author to pull that BS. Fuck this chapter.
Fully agreed, the author violated his own rules in this chapter. This series has never been about animals, but animal traits. All of the animals weaknesses disappeared the moment they became humanoids. Since now the vast majority of them are scaled nearly perfectly to one another, the differences between size and weight are close to irrelevant now, and therefore it makes Zero sense for Leo to be superior to everyone when he fully depends on his Roar.
It doesn't matter how fearless a honey badger is(Ratel) irl they would always lose to a Lion. But in here a Ratel humiliated one. Because Leo no longer had the advantage of superior size and power, scaling the ratel up killed that difference and so should Eruza have enough power created by her superior speed, to potentially kill Leo in one blow.
Like I said in the last few chapters, this fight was utter bullshit to the point where the explanation of her loss makes 0 sense. Cheetahs are social animals that can be domesticated, yes. But before that they are still predators and actively hunt, they have natural weapons, and those weapons will hurt anyone regardless of how they are built.
Jan 16, 2021
Well, that was... Dissapointing :^

Next is Hippo vs Hyena right? Let's see if my man, Okajima, finally takes a w.
Jan 21, 2018
@BatNova If that's how the match ended than both the fight and chapter was so disappointing. What a dumb ass way to let Leo win. Cheetah should've at least get a couple good hits before the author to pull that BS. Fuck this chapter.
I think this chapter cemented the difference between Eruza and Hitomi (and in another sense, the distance between Eruza and Taiga), both went through similar fights vs Leo, and Eruza didn't have (atm) what it takes to win vs him, who might've been holding back just like vs Hitomi (who also wasn't using everything she had vs him). In a way, it's good for Eruza because she'll dodge dinololi, and there's the possibility that she'll become better later, just like Tasuku couldn't attack Chiyomatsu (giraffe) back then.

@BloodySorcerer All of the animals weaknesses disappeared the moment they became humanoids.
Inaba's hearing (RIP her ears in this chapter), Nodoka's low stamina, Hitomi being hit on the head by Haiji, and some other vulnerabilities (penguin's, shark's)

it makes Zero sense for Leo to be superior to everyone when he fully depends on his Roar.
lions are apex predators in their own habitat (meaning that no one feeds on them), but this doesn't mean that they're unbeatable; given no numeric advantage, they'll avoid fights with other strong animals in their own habitat when possible (hippos, elephants), and would naturally be at disadvantage in less favorable habitats (deserts, poles, oceans, etc). I think that if leo is smart (and is able to), he'll throw before fighting dinololi, if he senses that he's being used by Yashin, or if he has no choice, he'll die fighting her, because since she's an important "tool" for Yashin, he'd have to fight her sooner or later.

But in here a Ratel humiliated one. Because Leo no longer had the advantage of superior size and power, scaling the ratel up killed that difference and so should Eruza have enough power created by her superior speed, to potentially kill Leo in one blow.
Leo threw his match vs Hitomi to kill Youzan, he couldn't do that if he won vs Hitomi and was sent to the Destroyal as a result. Lion's advantage over Cheeto is that he (as an animal) doesn't have to worry about his injuries, as the females do most of the hunting for him, so in theory he can take more attacks than she (or even tigers) can (given that among his opponents there are other male lions), while his disadvantage is that he doesn't have stamina for prolonged chases (low proportion between heart and body mass) so she could bleed him faster than he can defend himself, and escape faster than he can hit her, with human technique. She could also throw projectiles to pierce through him from various angles too, but that would send her closer to dinololi hell.
One thing that I found interesting, is that Leo seemed to sense Hitomi's potential, even when throwing vs her, because after his barrage of punches, he attempted to attack her with his claws, while he stopped himself from doing that very same attack vs cheeto, sensing that she wasn't good enough of an opponent (to survive the attack, or to survive the dinololi that comes after him) or that he wouldn't have a good enough fight vs her.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
These are the only ones I'll comment on
Inaba's hearing (RIP her ears in this chapter), Nodoka's low stamina, Hitomi being hit on the head by Haiji, and some other vulnerabilities (penguin's, shark's)
By weakness I mean, physical weakness, depite their negative animal traits they all have equal chance of knowcking any enemy down granted they compensate for the other animal strength's and their negative traits, like how Inaba knocked Eruza outm or how Hitomi easily caused serious wounds on Leo.
Eruza actually did just that, exploiting Leo's arrogance and delivering a swift attack at a distance Lions wouldn't have enough reaction time and acceleration to defend against. But still he asspulled a miraculous defense.

lions are apex predators in their own habitat (meaning that no one feeds on them), but this doesn't mean that they're unbeatable; given no numeric advantage, they'll avoid fights with other strong animals in their own habitat when possible (hippos, elephants), and would naturally be at disadvantage in less favorable habitats (deserts, poles, oceans, etc). I think that if leo is smart (and is able to), he'll throw before fighting dinololi, if he senses that he's being used by Yashin, or if he has no choice, he'll die fighting her, because since she's an important "tool" for Yashin, he'd have to fight her sooner or later.
True but that was only because they had enough weight and size to overpower the animals around, when put in a fight against other felines of similar build such as Tigers, for example, Tigers actually have a higher chance of winning than Lions. And since, like I said above there's no longer such a big different in weight and size, then his position as Apex Predator will no longer work since many animals in his habitat only lost to Lions because of that avantage. It's the same thing as what happens to ants. They can only carry 20 times their own weight because their own weight is so light that the materials of which their bodies are composed of are strong enough that they suffer no burned from their own bodies. If they were enlarged to human ide, all of a sudded they run the risk of being crushed by their own weight.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
thank you for the chapter I'm curious to see how the rest of the 1st round matches go.

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