as promised, my life is yours, maidfan..
also, holy shit, that was. awesome. originally i was sad there was no kobatohru developments but to be honest this lines up with the story really well, i'm glad fafnir is getting more screentime. shin's a good kid, kobayashi's being a mom again, and tohru wants kobayashi to watch her carefully.. again, all consistent to what i already know, so i like it a lot. good stuff, love the TL, amazing job to everybody who worked on this

now we wait for 151!!
(also, like everybody else here, i am so fucking tempted to learn if that's takiya?? because what do you mean "white" told someone to shut up for being mean to tohru?? who's in there and why would they be attached to tohru? if it's takiya, that's one sided as hell, man.. i respect you respecting your friend's wife, though.)