NEED more POVs from Garb
And thanks so much for the full chapter. I can’t speak for anyone else, but personally it was a lot more enjoyable to read. I don’t need to binge a series all in one go (really it’s meant to be read on a chapter by chapter basis), but I also really don’t want to wait for parts for each chapter. I know it’s how it’s actually released, but I can live without it. Again, that’s just me. Just release however you want. I’ll be happy to read regardless.
@penmore This. I’d really like more variety in antagonists. I’d much prefer human villains. That’s a lot easier for me to swallow than turning off my brain and pretending entire species of vampires and demons are nothing but pure evil because. Sure they need to consume humans to survive, but that’s hardly evil. Not like we don’t kill other species and eat them to survive