Saying that people can be wrong when it comes to literature.....defeats the entire point of literature. There is no wrong way and the authors intention means nothing. Once you put art out into the world it becomes the people's art. Everyone will understand and perceive it in a different way. Some people will even understand the tone or understanding differently. You see this in many great works from popular paintings, to influential stories, to even religion. Thinking that you are above everyone else because you understand what the author was trying to convey is pretentious. And also saying the typical "Well if you don't like don't read!" adds nothing. People are entitled to their opinion and criticism builds improvement. Even if it's not criticism and just complaining....why can't we? If I buy the same burger everyday and complain that sometimes the burn the bun are you just gonna tell me not to ever buy from them again? Grow up. Readers are allowed to complain about something and continue the story even if you like it. Shocking. I have nothing against Shiro moving back power wise. I understand that setting her back when she gets comfortable or feels powerful has been a common thing in this Manga, and now that she's powerless she'll have to grow to rely on her new companions amd work harder to become a powerful God. However no one likes setbacks. In real life and in fiction. Even if they make sense. Being put at the beginning with nothing is frustrating even if it builds character. And so far with minimal chapters, and no room to really digest the information we haven't seen Shiro do anything but react. We don't get a chance to see her grow or learn and it can be frustrating to watch. It feels slow to wait every few months just to see her at the back burner. We don't even have strong feelings on her companions outside of Arieal. The pacing is much different compared to the other works so a lot of readers haven't formed attachments to anyone but Shiro and all shes done is go OH NO! MY POWERS! And be cold and sickly. She will grow. She will form attachments. But we don't have to like the execution.I'm very much against the "everything is right from some point of view" idea.
Sometimes people are just wrong. That applies even when it's literature. There's a final answer, which is author's intention. I may be assuming some of the intent, but at least that's based on their commentary on the series, and the real life factors that affect the relationships between manga and novels. Banging on about how the story got boring is narrow minded, out of context, and honestly, doesn't take a genius to interpret some of the reasons why people are taking that stance.
It's asinine to assume just because you have a 'preference', that gives you remit to criticise. Imagine if I 'preferred' that everyone who disagreed with me got banned from the forums. The correct answer to 'preference' is acknowledging the series is not for you, and walking away. Not imposing your preference onto it. I am here because I like the series, and I use said preference as a lens to understand and evaluate it, but ultimately I argue on its behalf while offering reasoning and evidence.
I don't go reading manga I don't like them complaining it's not what I wanted. Neither do I do it when the manga turns out to not be what I was really interested in, even dozens of chapters later. I don't even do that for manga that change their stance halfway, if the author decided to do something different. Because that's not criticism, that's just self-validation.
Don't try to equalize people feeling strongly for whatever reasons they have with what I'm arguing for. That's how the world got whacked up by 'alternative facts', where people can take whatever stance they want without backing it up. And as I said, it even applies to literature, manga.