Why should she be redeemed as misunderstanding her? Nothing about her up to this point has given anyone a reason to feel sympathy for her.
It's not about redeeming... it's about writing quality... just making her a plain jane villain just feels so boring.
And we already know he has some psychological issues due to his own insecurities... which he takes out on FMC and his sister...
So if that becomes the real issue rather than her being an enemy, it'd be a way more interesting story....
Last chapter she had a real Evil Can't Comprehend Good moment when she was leaving FMC. Saying that no one is actually that nice of a person. She's definitely a bitch, but a bitch that might be redeemable with enough effort.
1st, we only have the MC's perspective for the most part
2nd, she's just surprised she's so nice, not that she herself has to be horrible...
3rd, this is just what I wish, because an antagonist is just so plain boring and we always have them.....
It'd be better for character growth and writing if he is his own enemy... and it's his own insecurities making things worse than they were...
The good old, "it was just a misunderstanding". How refreshing. Haven't seen that in a thousand manga before.
Less about it being a misunderstanding and more it being his own insecurities... because he's not the classic "nice protagonist"
Our MC is actually kinda an a**hole.... which changes things.
And we already see signs of him victimizing himself quite a bit.
So it'd be less a misunderstanding and more him making things worse than they really are....
She doesn't have to really care about or like him or sh*t like that (that's also be boring), but more that she just wasn't as bad as he's making her out to be....
Hell, she could actually forget about him...