Kusunoki's Flunking Her High School Glow-Up - Vol. 3 Ch. 22 - She doesn't remember who I was, nor does she remember that I even existed

Fed-Kun's army
May 30, 2023
I vaguely remember looking at the raw but
Hebikawa goes away to meet him after he finished the job and straight up ask "Why do you hate me". MC explain it and she just brushed it off like, "What, you're hurt because of that? Lol" or some sort. Maybe I'm mismembering but I'm fairly certain the girl didn't apologize or even felt guilty. The girl is certainly a horrible person.

Edit: Thanks for someone mentioning spanish translation and yes, I'm mismembering some of it.
The girl figured out by herself why MC doesn't like her. But the fact that she thought that it is not a big deal and didn't even apologize is true.
Aug 3, 2024
Oh no... bro has so many red flags that he could be bangged by any girl in this manga <(")
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2019
Holy shit, this is totally the justification a bully would use XD
"Why are you complaining?? I made you better! Besides, it's not like I said anything that wasn't true! This is a you problem."
Hahahaha xD

Okay so who justifying what. Its true the MC was a loser to the point he thought he needed to change, but like holy shit if you thought her just talking shit was "bullying" go grow some thicker skin.

MC has friends, gotten to a better school hes changed for the better for himself, but like how much of a bitch are you to crumple over women who are attractive just because of the one thing your crush/friend said. Hebikawa cannot fathom what she said would have that much of an affect on him like jesus.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2019
What you talking about? She's completely manipulative and very self-centered, she's literally always scheming and thinking about how to use other people to her advantage. She's not just "being a person" cuz she "talked shit" once or twice lmao
Who isn't lol
She has her own goals and motives, the shits shes done is so fucking tame. Go ahead and list all them awful things cuz its so mild, yeah she talks shit who the fuck knew the MC was gonna take that shit so badly lmao.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
You say she's a cunt.... but other than saying he's gross to her friends, she didn't actually do anything wrong.

In fact, she was actually nice to him.
She was extremely manipulative to him and many other guys in a similat position only to boost her ego and standing.

Its one thing to be nice but another entirely to do it out of selfish reasons and purely for personal gain
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
Holy shit the sociopaths self reporting here is insane.

Some of you folk really have no empathy nor considerstion for others besides how they can be used for your own gain. Justify it however you want but thats still utterly fucked and will harm a more innocent and less jaded person. Borderline evil psycho behaviour, normal people are more considerate of how their actions and intentions will affect the people they interact with.

Sane humans arent purely rational beings that solely act on quid pro quo
Dex-chan lover
Aug 19, 2020
You guys do know that you can blame both of them, right? He was, and still is a loser and she's still an unlikeable asshole. The MC's only saving grace is that he didn't go full Masamune-kun.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2019
You guys do know that you can blame both of them, right? He was, and still is a loser and she's still an unlikeable asshole. The MC's only saving grace is that he didn't go full Masamune-kun.
That's what I am kind of saying? Like Hebikawa is a cunt, and shes not perfect but people like her exist which doesnt help when the MC is a total bitch. This story would not exist if the MC feelings was not weaker than a grandma's elbow lmao.
Aggregator gang
Mar 15, 2023
Okay so who justifying what. Its true the MC was a loser to the point he thought he needed to change, but like holy shit if you thought her just talking shit was "bullying" go grow some thicker skin.

MC has friends, gotten to a better school hes changed for the better for himself, but like how much of a bitch are you to crumple over women who are attractive just because of the one thing your crush/friend said. Hebikawa cannot fathom what she said would have that much of an affect on him like jesus.
I think you don't know what bullying means. Looking a kid in the eyes and insulting him is bullying. It's not some multilayered definition we need to parse here.
His reaction to this was extreme, but not unprecedented. It's why we just generally don't do this to people. Like punching someone in the head can kill them in one blow...so you don't do it. Hebikawa not expecting this doesn't absolve her of the effects.
Having PTSD doesn't make someone a bitch. It means that person needs therapy.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
How the f*** is he a victim??? She just literally didn't care about him.

She was still nice to him and still treated him well. She literally did nothing wrong.

He just had his feelings hurt cause he learned she didn't actually care about him...

But here is the thing.... what did she actually do??? She didn't bully him. She didn't treat him badly.

She actually did nothing wrong to him at all...

So she's right to think he's over reacting...

At worst she called him gross..... yah, that sucks.... but it's not that horrible...

She's horrible because she made a slight insult????

I mean, he really is over reacting. Yah, it sucks to hear your crush thinks you're gross.... but at some point, you got to toughen up....

It's on him that he's being so insulted by ONE SINGLE INSULT that was done behind his back.

She was still nice to him openly, and she treated him well. And she never actually did anything morally wrong to him.

She can't have a single opinion about a person???? Isn't that unreasonable???

Yes, there will be people that don't like you, and they might insult you.... but that's f***ing life...

It's not a big deal.... he really is over reacting.

And in fact, he's a much worse person than she is.

He actually was rude to a girl that honestly just wanted to be friends. He constantly hurt the feelings of another girl who did nothing wrong by calling her a child even though she was obviously uncomfortable.

In the end, he (and everyone else calling her a horrible person) are just way over reacting.

She has nothing to really apologize for.

Yes, he might be traumatized.... but he was traumatized by something that small.... that is 100% on him....
This reminds me of Luffy and Bellamy.

As a kid who was bullied, I remember fighting back whenever my bullies got physical (exception being female bullies; I just told on them cause I couldn't hit them without being the bad guy).

But one thing I learned from Shanks is that when people insult you, you just got to learn to let it go.

Hell, if they make a single insult, that should not traumatize you. Else that's on you.....

If you aren't tough enough, LEARN to be tough enough....

In the end, she didn't actually do anything worth apologizing for.... or anything worth remembering......

If something that simple traumatized him..... then he has other issues he needs work on....
Bro really typed a whole essay just to tell us he's a sociopath. Crazy
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
The bitch and her audacity ffs. Also, is there any other reason why MC throws up? I just re-read first 2 chapters to get an idea but the only thing Bitch here does is calling him gross. I understand thats enough to traumatize someone but i thought it was beyond. I mean, this manga already is the beyond, Bitch only knows how to hurt people
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
Also, is there any other reason why MC throws up? I just re-read first 2 chapters to get an idea but the only thing Bitch here does is calling him gross. I understand thats enough to traumatize someone but i thought it was beyond.
He was already in a very bad place mentally when she approached him with her fake ass smile and attention in middle school which gave him a light of hope. She however just used him to keep up her image. Just like a sociopath would. She sees nothing wrong with this as well. Anyone who also don't see anything wrong with what she did is also on the same spectrum.

It will be more apperant in following chapters. She is by far the most fucked up person in the cast.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2020
That's what I am kind of saying? Like Hebikawa is a cunt, and shes not perfect but people like her exist which doesnt help when the MC is a total bitch. This story would not exist if the MC feelings was not weaker than a grandma's elbow lmao.
dude, these are teen age adolescents we are talking about. you can't compare what he is going through to an adult. its growing pains what the boy is having, let him have emotions to the pain he feels. you are way too invested in this comic.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
Not entirely sure what the point of this is. Like if it's him getting over his trauma with girls fine... but that's hardly come up recently and it feels like half the time it's forgotten about. Other than that there's no real need to resolve whatever misunderstanding with the snake eyes and it's not like she has any chance as a romantic interest at this point. Plus while doing this she just comes off as worse and worse and her friend is somehow even worst than that. Like god, don't talk about people literally right behind their backs like that. Even if it's a different person named Shizuka there's no reason to insult someone just for keeping to themselves in middle school (it's middle school, there were definitely way weirder kids than that still trying to grow into themselves).

Overall I'm not sure this series knows what it wants to be. We keep going back and forth between random harem and actually confronting the character's issues and moving forward on their goals. Like one of them is meant to be making friends and the other could (this goal wasn't set but it'd be easy progression) be working on his trauma with girls and trying to work on liking himself more and moving past the event in middle school. Except that's not really happening. We just kinda get the plot shoving whatever it wants in our face. Last arc was nice in that the FL was actually making a friend and moving toward being sociable (her goal)... and now we get said new friend probably having a crush on the MC and the original antagonist probably realizing who the MC is and that she has feelings for him... because sure. Why not.

This story would be great if it was a simple progression of the ML and FL working towards helping the FL to make friends and be social able. While doing so the ML starts to get over his own weak points and eventually the two start to fall for each other. And in theory that's what's happening, but reading chapter to chapter it's just not. The story has spent more time focusing on the romance between both the leads than either actually doing anything to grow and all while brushing the romance off as being just between friends. The FL in 20 chapters has made 2 new friends. One being the person that gave the MC trauma because... reasons and the other being her childhood friend. The MC hasn't made any real progress in his trauma so much as the story just forgetting it exists every now and then. And now all of a sudden he has a harem consisting of the Female Lead and the two friends she's managed to make...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
Man, after putting in the work, finding out the girl who used to bully you has a thing for you and doesn't remember who you used to be, all the odds should be in your favor, and yet you still end up feeling like shit. God I hope the other two come back and just hangout with him before hebikawa tries to ask for forgiveness or any form of redemption. Boy may not yet deserve a girlfriend but damn does he not deserve this.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
She was extremely manipulative to him and many other guys in a similat position only to boost her ego and standing.

Its one thing to be nice but another entirely to do it out of selfish reasons and purely for personal gain
No it isn't. Who cares what her reasoning is??? She was still acting like a nice person to them and treated them well....

I think you don't know what bullying means. Looking a kid in the eyes and insulting him is bullying. It's not some multilayered definition we need to parse here.
His reaction to this was extreme, but not unprecedented. It's why we just generally don't do this to people. Like punching someone in the head can kill them in one blow...so you don't do it. Hebikawa not expecting this doesn't absolve her of the effects.
Having PTSD doesn't make someone a bitch. It means that person needs therapy.
It's because "bullying" is a spectrum. There is serious bullying and minor bullying.

Minor bullying shouldn't be a big deal. A minor insult like that isn't something that should traumatize you. If it does, it mean you have bigger issues to deal with... And you are right, it means he needs therapy, but it doesn't mean she's a bad person.

Bro really typed a whole essay just to tell us he's a sociopath. Crazy
So I'm a sociopath cause I think a bunch of grown adults cursing out a child for calling a boy gross is a bad thing???

And cause I think a minor insult shouldn't be a big deal????

Instead, it's just you being way too over sensitive. If anything, aren't you a sociopath??? You are trying to villainize people for the absolute smallest reasons.

And not to mention the fact that it's hypocritical. You can call a middle school girl a cunt because she said a mean word, but she's not allowed to think that a kid who made no effort to better himself and probably was gross to other girls as gross????

To her, he really was gross.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Man, after putting in the work, finding out the girl who used to bully you has a thing for you and doesn't remember who you used to be, all the odds should be in your favor, and yet you still end up feeling like shit. God I hope the other two come back and just hangout with him before hebikawa tries to ask for forgiveness or any form of redemption. Boy may not yet deserve a girlfriend but damn does he not deserve this.
Except she didn't bully him. She just thought he was gross (and to be fair, to middle school girls, he really was gross). In fact, she still treated him well and was nice to him.

His trauma was finding out that the girl that was nice to him thought he was gross....

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