It started out super promising, super good art, and we have a smart MC who knows spear is the smarter choice over sword, that mage is smarter choice over warrior, but gets forced into a swordsman role anyways (because fuck him!) however when he's finally out of the tutorial, OP as all hell... He doesn't do anything, he literally does nothing.
We have like Doomguy (lite edition) over here, and he just pretends to be a normal dude all day... No thoughts of getting revenge on that demon god guy, no trying to join up with other earthlings, no 'fuck it' and killing the goddesses before getting revenge on the demon god guy. No trying to improve the living conditions of earthlings, no trying to improve his own living conditions. I mean he settles down for 6 months as a construction worker until he's completely losing his shit over how he hasn't killed anything for 6 months... And then he basically goes camping.
The guy is potentially the strongest fighter in the entire world, and he's just sitting on his ass doing nothing at all with it. Why would he do that? Wasn't he planning on getting home or some shit for 22 years while he was locked up in that tutorial world? But he chooses to live like an isekai bum instead? Literally like Kazuma from konosuba, guy is pretty much just next step up from sleeping in the fucking stables when he could do literally anything he wants and nobody would be able to stop him!
It's a bit of a letdown you know? A great premise, the perfect start, but then there's just no story, there's plenty of worldbuilding, but there's no story, there's no sense of progression, there's just a guy doing menial tasks and occasionally (kinda rarely) fighting, when he's forced to. It's pretty weird too because when he just got out of the tutorial he was obsessed with getting a level up, but after going through one dungeon he just gave up. He gave up on doing anything.... Why didn't he just kill himself if this (as in absolutely nothing) was what he was planning to do with his life once he got out?