Amy's just type A to a fault. These people can be hard to handle, (It's honestly harder to deal with when they're good folks) but they didn't have to do her like that.
@Vasqueztion Honestly, from the sound of it, she was CARRYING her old clan, through being a pretty face for recognition, digging to find the latest meta (as shitty as the meta is in this world), being stellar DPS (it's not like her skills got sharper behind the desk and she came out strong when MC first brought her on and most of their effectiveness improvements have been from MC's new meta+teamwork), and even securing funds through sponsorships.
This new girl, I like her. Not just because of the tits that refuse to be suited up properly (once, just once I want one of these "strained wardrobe" types to be because they can't afford to buy properly fitting clothes because accidentally/not-my-fault sexy aesthetic is such a bonus cute). These well-intentioned idiot fans are a favorite character trope of mine. On top of that, it
is fishy as fuck. Two bitter rivals teaming up under a noob with a poor reputation and low standing class? I would be suspicious too.