This is a lot of setup for stuff, I feel like will just get resolved within moments because of how OP the mc is, or stuff I just straight up don’t care about. For example, no matter how hard the author tries, I’m not going to suddenly like the shitty “hero”. I really don’t want time wasted in the chapter trying to give his character dimensions and excuse all his terrible actions. And how blind is the woman with him? “[He] kept trying to be the hero?” He literally unleashed ultimate evils and almost got the kingdom destroyed him TWICE.
Overall, this chapter and this direction is just disappointing and annoying. This series does much better when it focuses on the fun slow life aspect. I want more of the demon king romance with the failed adventurer knight (forgot her name) or of the MC expanding his homestead and friends. Or just chill moments hanging out. I really can’t get invested in these “serious” war politics and new antagonists when I know everything can be resolved by the MC in a fraction of a second when he gets involved.