Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
"Why different plane =/= different world, tho? Who decided that? "
Before I answer, I just wanna say this is probably the BEST question I've read regarding that. I don't think there's a real "right" answer for that.
However, generally speaking, Isekai manga refers to a fantasy world of monsters and magic with it's own values, traditions, beliefs and (as I'm trying to point out) it's own heaven and hell. Or at least a realm where demons ready to war with humans reside.
"MY" answer (which is on the level of opinion, so grain of salt) is that a plane of existence is different from an entire world. Like if we died and go to Heaven or Hell, would the next story of our lives be considered an isekai because of it? I think the answer would be no because even though it's a different plane, it's still part of our world (again I use our own religious texts and mythologies as my evidence, for what it's worth).

"Does Humans summoning Demons and vice versa need to be different from isekai Princesses summoning Heroes or Goddesses bringing Demon Lords by mistake?"
This thought crossed my mind too. (Also thanks for the anime references. I'm more of a manga guy, though, so I'm gonna check out the manga versions of though. I trust your tastes!). But here's my thing: I base everything on our own stories and myths long before anime and manga were ideas (though one could argue that the mythology of long ago is an ancient form of light novels LOL). Demon summoning was a thing and still IS a thing to this day. There is still a belief that there is demons and a Hell here on Earth. So far, the premise matches that criteria. The only difference is that our notion of Hell is completely different to how it is in the manga, which can lead to a confusion of it being an isekai.

I also realized a 3rd point: There's no isekai tag LOL (I know it's not a real point, I just wanted to toss a bit of comedy in)

I'm enjoying the challenge. You're making it hard for me, but enjoyable. Kudos! :)

@lolikoki: StuCo President is best girl.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 23, 2019
@TwilightFaze Glad you enjoyed it, but it's too soon.

My prof likes to tell us, his students, to keep thinking radically. In his account, let's get fundamental. What is "Sekai (世界)"?

Yes. We're not using the word "World", as what we need to analyze is the concepts and the idea of what Japanese people have over the word "Sekai". After all, my challenge is to prove that this manga is not an "Isekai".


"Sekai" means everything that happens, evey phenomenon there is, that exists as a whole.
-> The Universe.
-> The Earth in its whole. Every human civilization on it. All the countries.
-> An assembly of a group of people. It's scope/vicinity.

Now we know the definition of "Sekai". Which means, "Isekai" is anything that is outside "Sekai". As the Kanji I (異) symbolizes "different, oddity, strange". Now, Japanese society is a racist one. That may sound harsh, but I gloss no sugar over my words. Tourists are considered an attraction by the Japanese when they stay being a tourist. But once you become a part of their society, you're treated like an outsider. Why? Because you're different. You're the 異 of them.

Well then, does the hell exists on our, using your word, "plane"? Do the Magic phenomenons happen in, well, our "realm"? I'm not sure I can find America in that hell, and vice versa, just in which part of the world is the Magic Academy Babylon rooted?

I see you've been mentioning about religions and cults. Don't take me wrong, I'm a religious man myself. Which allows me all the more to say that this manga doesn't make references to any religious ideas and/or ritual. Of course, it's impossible to claim that for an absolute. However, do know that this manga uses the term "魔界" which directly translates to "Demon World" instead of "地獄" which translates to Hell in religious meaning. There's also Limbo "辺獄" and Avici "阿鼻" in Japanese, a Buddhist idea of Hell (if I recall correctly). Despite that, the author uses the term "魔界" and not any other.

sips milk
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
@mister_nobody: Not gonna lie. Cracked up at "sips milk" XD

Yeah, Japan is ok with tourism, but they're not ok with people sticking around. It's kinda why I'm reluctant to ever travel there: Never know if they're being nice as a professional courtesy or not. But I'm getting off topic. However, much like the English language, a word (or in this case a character, Kanji or otherwise) carries multiple meanings. The one used for isekai, for example, as you have demonstrated can mean foreigner/outsider, but we're talking about a whole different world (or universe). It's like back in the 90's where "bad" meant you were cool in a rebellious way but it carried the other meaning of being a naughty human. So the character definition is a grey matter.

As for the question of planes, you'd have to visit a church and ask them. Not trying to dodge the question but because they get real philosophical about it and spin the answer in circles. Maybe you'll have better luck. than I did. What little I DID get out of them was that Hell and Heaven is for the land of souls and is therefore something beyond our plane (hence why I use that word). I remember asking an otaku friend of mine who was also devout and according to him it's a grey area, but because isekais are generally in another world, Hell and Heaven don't qualify since they are a part of our world.

I'll be honest, I'm not religious but I find the subject of religion fascinating and like talking about it. Odd I know, but most religious people are like you and very nice about it (suck it mainstream media!). I fully agree that there is no direct reference to Hell, only "the Demon Realm" here or there. My further example is the realm itself. In every isekai, as I have stated before, there is a demon realm, a human realm, and a holy realm, all named something common or not. In this case, we have only seen the Demon Realm/Hell/Halloweentown. We know this can be summoned by our world commonly, meaning there is clearly a link between the two. In the universal sense (and arguably the Earthly sense), they are part of the same world. Other isekai manga just reaches out blindly in the universe and "coincidentally" happens upon Japan all the time. Kinda like how UFOs are only attracted to hillbilly towns in America.
Oct 4, 2018
hey mister sssss transfucker if you can't upload chapter properly then you should just shut up and let others do the translation instead of make the reader annoy ...!
if you got that then get lost son of a b!t@h...!
and I m not reading your shit I m waiting for main to be released i just saying i get notifications and its annoying when you expect a continuation and get shit in return like you do ...!
please fo
Jan 3, 2019
i'll probably drop this manga until next year or so until it catch up properly or this trolling stop
like you'll expect the team who'll work on such a wholesome manga won't be toxic but reality is often disappointing
Jul 30, 2019
@me474 @rokuro just block the group.

They are not gonna stop probably (it was written in their group profile that they are going to translate chapters if only it interested them and Iruma-kun is listed in their current project) I think it is disrespecting the current translator group for them to be doing that but there is nothing we can do, I believe. Unless this behaviour is not allowed in MangaDex, they are going to continue this behaviour (probably even adding more mangas to their current project and translating ahead more chapters as long as it interested them.)

So unless MangaDex staff deemed this behaviour as unethical and ban them, there is nothing we can do to them except just condemning them which I don't encourage because it is a waste of time.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018

Just a reminder that we currently have two features in place to stop readers from having to deal with groups they don't like:

1. Gap feature - this feature automatically detects if there is a gap between the the newest chapter and the last chapter posted. If there is a gap found, it asks you if you are sure you want to read said chapter.
2. Block Groups - this feature is found on a group page. You can click block and never see updates from the blocked group ever again.
Sep 23, 2019
Personally i don't know if it's a troll or not but at least i'm not angry cuz when the other translation team will catch up to the chapter that the sssss group translate, it will be easier for them to translate (cuz it's already done), they can even skip the chapter !
It's a non profit translation they are doing so if it's troll, yea ofc it's not cool but if not i think it's nice for the other team (less work to do if it's properly translate)
Jan 24, 2018
All these entitled dipshits, asspained at a free translation. Just dont read it if you dont want the skip, its not like its a shit machine trans.
Sep 26, 2018
This SSSSS translator only translates chapters they want to translate and skips entire arcs they find boring. The /a/ translator is translating the current chapters in order, but they will do their own translations for the later chapters that SSSSS translates.

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