Maou no Ore ga Dorei Elf wo Yome ni Shitanda ga, Dou Medereba ii? - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - The Quiet Ones are Devastatingly Terrifying when Angry 3

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 22, 2018
most people cause their own pains, they just don't notice it and blame it on others, understanding you are part of the problem goes a long way to fix it. far too many people think they are hated because everyone are judgemental jerks, while those around them just treat the person in question like that because he's a judgemental jerk.

workaholics usually have few friends because they've prioritized work, and it's not until everyone is gone they notice how lonely they are, as you often don't notice what you have until you lose it.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
If he doesn't fuck her next chapter i am dropping this.
I am tired of wussies in manga.
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2018
So, fun fact. I just checked the raw for this chapter through the provided link, and it turns out that the name of this "Mysticism" power in Japanese is 魔法 (Mahou, lit. "Magical Law/Principle"). This technically sets it apart from the "Magic" that Zagan uses, since that's named 魔術 (Majutsu, lit. "Magical Art/Technique") in Japanese. The interesting part is that in real-life modern Japanese, the two terms are practically synonymous; it's just that several modern works of Japanese fiction have taken the habit of using them to denote different varieties of magic -- Majutsu for the "normal" kind of magic that anyone could learn, and Mahou for super-extra-special magic that is in a whole league of its own, is objectively superior to Majutsu, and only very few people could hope to wield it, whether it's because you have to be born with the ability to do so or because learning the method is that ridiculously hard, time-consuming, and/or dangerous.

I'm really curious who started the trend of separating Majutsu from Mahou. Type-Moon's Nasuverse is the earliest example of such thing that I know of.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Banarok I think most people are aware of it, they just don't want to hear inconvenient truths, so they lie to themselves, South Park calls it Mental gymnastics.
Dex-chan lover
May 30, 2018

That's actually a common misunderstanding about the notion of natural selection. It has little to nothing to do with strength and weakness, but about circumstance instead. A "strong" group can be wiped out by chance from a volcano, and this is usually what happens. Meanwhile, a "weak" group would thrive just because they where fortunate enough to go uncontested. This is just something I think should be clarified whenever it comes up. There are still people who try to bring up natural selection and survival of the fittest when discussing matters of humans or race. That's wrong for a lot of reasons, primarily that scientific fitness is how well an organism matches their environment, not how strong or smart they are. That makes it almost irrelevant when discussing people. When it comes to individuals or interactions between groups, kindness improves fitness. Kindness only becomes a detriment to fitness for individuals or segments of the human population when the larger group creates an environment that rewards being cruel over being kind, as social environments are designed by humans and operate on their collective will. In this case, it is a bigger problem that humans designed an environment which fewer of them are able to thrive in, reducing the fitness of the species in favor of a select few.

Addressing the topic in broad again, remember that a big part of this is a story about Zagan being reintroduced into society, getting a family, and learning about kindness and love. It's pretty much been addressed already but what Zagan said to that girl was the broken, lonely, past him. Even then, he's the sort that says things in a harsher way then he means.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
Oh hey, I got two people to debate with now :O

@Meridis I think you're misunderstanding fitness. Monkeys have a high fitness in the forest but put them in a dessert and their fitness falls down into a chasm. If a "strong" group is placed next to an erupting volcano, their fitness goes down. Fitness is a value that depends on more than a species' attributes: their habitat, as an example.

Okay. The first one was vaguely formulated. I just wanted to get my point across. Let me restate that. "Kindness in fact keeps us from mass and serial murdering each other in most cases." There! Better. Well. You don't have to be kind to not murder people,
Welp, alright then... guess I can't refuse on- wait a minute...

but truly kind people seldom do that.

Define "truly kind". What do you mean by that phrase? Complete altruism? Perfect ambivalence? Such a case is impossible because greed is hard-coded into human nature. Why did you think we manage to get to the moon? Cause the Americans and Soviets wanna get to the moon first. There are more factors behind the scene contributing to this but the correlation is undeniable - greed almost always lead to progress in mankind. Sure, not all progress is caused by greed but the fact that some of them are is concrete evidence of my statement.

And as you know, kindness cannot coexist with greed. And because "truly kind" cannot exist, your point now holds no weight to your argument.

Nature doesn't use arguments. It does its thing.
You mean natural selection? About killing the weak so that the strong progresses?

Only people are just too complicated and weak and therefore need "arguments", a stuff they made up.
Your argument can be interpreted in many ways but let's look at it as evolution.

You (Mr. Evolution) see two people (two species) in an internet forum (habitat) arguing about kindness (survival of the fittest). One person made a good point (beneficial mutation) while the other misstates their facts and shot themself in their foot (harmful mutation). They kept on arguing (generations of mutation) until the entire forum backs up one guy (habitat change) which causes the other to lose their footing and lose the argument (decrease in fitness). However, that guy made one very good point (adaptation) which caused him to turn the tables on the debate (increase in fitness). Eventually, the other guy failed to counter the debate (fail to adapt quickly enough) and admits defeat (extinction).

You see, natural selection can be taken into anything if you really think about it.

Oh, Alfred Noble and dynamite. A really great guy! And that dynamite thing still helps today to feed millions of people. And helps to gives them electricity. And metals. And railways. Etc. You know, who should be sued? That guy that invented the hammer! That vicious thing killed soooo many people. Wait....If hammers kill people, do keyboards make typos?
Ah, the old "it's the fault of the user and not the tool" argument.

Regardless of the fault of the user or the tool, it proves that kindness is not absolute. It is an attribute that can be described as the absence of "evil" (emphasis on the quotation marks). And as you know, "evil" exists and thus kindness is not absolute.

Oh, fuck no. I'm not doing this. Please read the fine print. Disclaimer: "That said, I really don't want to discuss, if altruistic kindness really exists (We could as well discuss the existence of God. Nobody will be happy afterwards.)" ?
Well, I'd describe God as ambivalent rather than altruistic so there'd be no point to talking about this since we are talking about human-level kindness.

Your turn next
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Well this was an incredibly heartfelt, warm chapter with light philosophy. Also, kinda sad, but mostly heartwarming.

Somehow, it's also kinda...satisfying to see a woobie-type character like Nephie actually lash out and bite back at the backstory bastards, all on her own.
Dex-chan lover
May 30, 2018
How did I misunderstand fitness? We used a very similar description and I made it very clear that it's circumstantial, using a strong group being placed next to a volcano in my own example. My end point was that humans manipulate their environment, especially social environments and that fitness of a group of humans could be decreased by kindness if they constructed such a social environment but the species as a whole would have reduced fitness in that environment as it's made to work in favor of a few more suited to that environment at the cost of cooperation.
Group Leader
May 7, 2018
i think "sorcery" is the right word for her power.
and do you really think a girl with no concept of social world ask for sleeping together in that sense my dudes
get real
Jun 30, 2018
@xieshu initially it was going to be sorcery but it was decided to go with mysticism since it is used in the official translation of the LN.
May 25, 2018
What is better - to be born good ?, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" - Paarthurnax, Skyrim
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2018
@ijan1: The LN has an official translation? That's a weird translation choice if you ask me, though I guess it could work if you use the "transcendental union of the soul/mind with divinity or the divine reality" definition.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
The LN's official translation of the title isn't even a translation, it's a rewriting of the title entirely that ignores several unambiguous words (such as slave) because....reasons.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
@ijan1 i think both suck and are wrong, even if i can't think up a better one right now
because they're all synonymous! it just sounds stupid like that

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