If you get offended that easily i don't recommend you look up what they do in the military.
This is just a perfect example of the teacher trying to insult you at every opportunity to check if you can keep your cool.
You clearly would not pass that test.
This is supposedly a school for the best of the best as its intended to be a school for royal retainers.
Its basically a school for people who are going to work in the military( at least the part he is joining ) and this practise is pretty common there.
Here the idea behind the insults is to check if you can keep a leveld head and while yes its possible that some might not get positive reinforcement out of it.
It doubles as a test to see if they have the base level of skill and mentality they are looking for as this is not just a regular school so they dont waste their time on inferior students.
It does have other benefits to it as well, but i'm not going to go into a full rant on it, check it up if you are curious.
Is it an optimal system ? probably not, but it is effective witch is why its still in use today.