I'm caught up to chapter 20, and here are my thoughts. (Sans major spoilers. Things from the first few chapters mentioned.)
I feel bad for Meguro: she has no self-esteem to the point where she doesn't even know what she likes. From dating someone who wants to get to know her vs. just use her for sex, she's getting better about that.
Male MC is on the herbivore side---though not as extreme as some I've seen---but it works here. I mean, he actually confessed to the girl, and lots of romance mangas put that off for dozens of chapters. (Probably because this is a drama, not a comedy.) Meguro offered him sex on their first or second date: she wasn't forceful, but he was thrown off because sex that soon isn't the course of a relationship. That's what he wants with her, not to just get laid like all the guys she's been with previously.
It's been sweet watching their relationship progress. I am paranoid something bad will happen soon, but I hope not.
Now, I am someone who personally values waiting till marriage to have sex, but I still think this will be an interesting read. If it goes somewhere I really don't like, I'll quit reading it: no hard feelings. I mean, they're probably going to do it eventually: it won't be a shock. I mainly have a problem if someone promises to wait and then doesn't.
EDIT: typo