Meguro-san wa Hajimete ja Nai

Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2018

So basically, what you're saying is that it is bad. And therefore that makes it good.

Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
@JoeKerr: Put down the weed, Joe. You're stoned-eded.

I meant what I said: I like it because I think it's fluffier and sweeter than a cloud made of cotton candy. You jokers (pun intended) keep not being able to look past Meguro's history you're not actually reading the story. Overthinking.
Apr 14, 2019
1.because hes the one that makes meguro thinks like now (sleeps around bla bla bla)
2.we still doesnt know the reason for their break up (hes a teacher but we dont know if its home tutor/from school but my guess is the cliche, "their relationship got found out and the man backed out", ch.24 further convinced me he will come back)

the thing is i simply doesnt believe this manga will end without torturing us reader bcus
the author already pull love rival card for meguro
now its mc turn, if the next arc is about this man and meguro past, this manga can end around 30 40ish chapter and i think thats reasonable lenght for this genre ( 4 - 5 vol ? )

just my own theory though, heh
just get ready for some angst xp, dont get deceived from the fluff so u wont fall too hard and get hurt
the title itself already suspicious

though im still fine with happy ending without incident

but... almost graduating , prev relationship with teacher , past still not clear , he come back , more drama
Dex-chan lover
Jul 14, 2018
@Bakanyaan1 the 1st guy was just a tutor and he was still a student, he was wearing his school uniform and mention he don't have to study because he already got a recommendation (read chapter 10.1) so tutoring was probably because spare time or whatever, dude probably was 18 and meguro around 14-15, if i have to guess why they break up, was most likely because dude graduated and moved out, calling him sensei or teacher is just a thing of respect more than anything anyway because he was teaching her,

If there is future drama later or anything, who knows, but in the japanese sources there is no drama tag, that tag just got added here just cuz (only tags you can find in the sources is romance, purepure/lovelove, comedy and slice of life), author others current works are the same with the "drama", they last like a chapter or even less and then move out, and when this will end, my guess is probably after koga graduate from school, get accepted into some university or college, and there gonna be a timeskip, because when he do, meguro gonna still be in school since she is a 2nd year currently as you can see in the shirts during the school festival (koga have 3-C and meguro 2-C, so that is 3rd year class C and 2nd year class C respectively), beside in the japanese description (pocket.shonenmagazine and palcy app) do mention that meguro is a kouhai and koga a senpai, which is missing in the english description here
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
@Angelonius: Matter of fact, I'm not. Better question is why do you THINK I'm, as you call it, "whiteknighting"?

It's called peaceful disagreement. I happen to find it a fluffy story and notice a loooooooooooot of commentors not focusing on that and just that Meguro isn't a virgin. Just that part and why she isn't. Not why they're dating. Not how she's improving herself. Not how the guy isn't taking advantage of her, etc. Just her and "promiscuity". I can't agree to the mindset of trashing Meguro for her past, so that makes me "whiteknighting"?

Bitch, please. Stop thinking with your dicks and grow up. (Hey, if you don't want to be insulted, don't insult me).
Dex-chan lover
Apr 13, 2019
@TwilightFaze Because you're defending Meguro due to the fact that she slept around.

My problem with this story is that the issue of her not being a virgin is brought up for shock value rather than treating it seriously. She's lacking in self-awareness and will spread her legs for any dude. Hence, I always have the lingering suspicion that she will cheat on the male MC.
Head Contributor Wrangler
Super Moderator
Jan 18, 2018
@25mg12 @Captaininvictus

Take it to PMs, and I'm comment banning you both for a week because you can't take a hint.

Invictus, having different opinions on premarital sex isn't "misogyny". There are many cultures with more conservative attitudes towards that than you, and you should respect that enough to not repeatedly insult people. Everyone else in the thread was capable of having a reasonable discussion and you weren't.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
@Angelonius: BraveDude8's comment speaks for me: a different opinion doesn't make me a white knight. It's just a different viewpoint.

I also suspect you either are not done reading the story (which explains why she slept around
Long story short, she fell for her tutor HARD and his playboy words sort of "brainwashed" her into thinking that's how love worked, until she met the MC.
), you skimmed the story instead of fully reading it missing the part entirely, or you're just not interested in it and are too focused on the fact she did. I'm inclined to believe #2 since it's a bad habit for most readers of any form of reading (manga/comics, newspapers, books, etc.). Her cheating is not gonna happen. The cotton-candy cloud feeling is too strong between them.
She was even jealous when he was confessed to by another girl, which was a first for her. If she was gonna cheat, that should have been the catalyst right there, but she expressed she was selfish and wanted him all to herself.

It's ok to disagree, man, but leave the insults at the door. All I'm saying.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 13, 2019
@TwilightFaze I have read this manga and I am having my suspicions raised for a good reason. This manga comes off as a cliche more than anything else. She needs therapy and STD tests. If she meets a hot dude, she will cheat on the male MC quickly. If this manga ends with my suspicion being wrong, it's good.

As for the insults, tell that to those on your own side. I swear, they love to use terms like "entitled", "nice guy", "misogynist" and "incel" to refer to those of us who do not like this manga. They started it!

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