Mikudashi Ibari wa Mikudashitai! - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

Fed-Kun's army
Mar 15, 2023
I don't need to give an argument for why it's bad to attack people for behavior that doesn't hurt anyone else. And I'm not talking about the FMC harassing the MMC, I've never denied she's a bad person too. It just has nothing to do with the reasons the MMC dislikes her.
It's not "attacking" anyone to dislike how someone portrays themselves or to dislike how someone acts. Just because it "doesn't hurt anyone" doesn't mean that you have to like it. You can argue that there's nothing that you can do about it since it doesn't hurt anyone and I think that's a valid argument but that doesn't mean you should be expected to accept it or like it. That's ridiculous. MMC doesn't like the change that the FMC had and therefore doesn't interact with her to the best of his ability. He has never attacked her in a situation where she didn't come up to him first and start something. If you don't like someone why should you be expected to interact with them?
Group Leader
May 4, 2023
It's not "attacking" anyone to dislike how someone portrays themselves or to dislike how someone acts. Just because it "doesn't hurt anyone" doesn't mean that you have to like it. You can argue that there's nothing that you can do about it since it doesn't hurt anyone and I think that's a valid argument but that doesn't mean you should be expected to accept it or like it. That's ridiculous. MMC doesn't like the change that the FMC had and therefore doesn't interact with her to the best of his ability. He has never attacked her in a situation where she didn't come up to him first and start something. If you don't like someone why should you be expected to interact with them?
First, if you dislike someone for dumb or petty reasons, that's bad. Second, he constantly insults and degrades her. Yes, she's a bad person too; that's my point, they're both bad. But all the incels here have been falling over themselves saying the FMC is a slut so the MMC is totally justified in being a huge dick to her.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
peepz here arguing about a story of a girl who went 180 degrees in a basketball court and performed a self dunk on her side of the court and a guy who changed due to admiration only to get Uchiha Sasuke'd at high school.

MC doesn't "hate" her, he's in constant denial. FMC isn't just behaving like a slut, she seeks constant validation to her newfound confidence. Especially towards the guy she'd known closely.

Both have "justified" behaviour and the only thing truly needed is how the author can weave the threads for a compelling story. You guys are projecting way too much about morals in a SoL manga :kek:
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2020
comeing back to this, i think i should articulate my point more.

they were friends prior to the series, then she had a change in personality and they stopped being friends.

in such a case, i think you should talk to your friend, ask them what makes them act like that, communicate that you have a proplem with how they are acting. then if they are unwilling to change or the change they have made is to much for you, then you stop being friends. it has nothing to do with romance its just being friends. if his intrest was soley based around the idea of a shy dumb waifu, then oh well, he was never really her friend, just someone that wanted to get in her pants. if she did all that creep shit prior then its the same situation, thats why i dont like the male mc. sorry for being vitriolic in prior replies.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2020
It makes no sense, before introducing this plot "twist" author should have read his own damn work, especially first chapters.
This. It feels like a retconning of the character... Maybe it could've been solved by showing her making the change, even if it'd lose the shock value of the mc's perspective.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2020
holyshit the comment section is basically full of simps defending the fmc. the fmc is trash for the way she behaves and should treated like trash.
I thought people shouldn't be treated like trash for any reason... But that's just my morals, I do think she should have an earful from her teachers, it is a plot hole she didn't at this point of the story.

Edit: now that I mentioned the teachers stuff, I think neither of them are actually that extreme with their behavior, it could easily be seen as bantering between close friends. Even the clumsy girl made a comment on that line. Ergo is canon lol
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2020
because as we know, normal human conversation is actually banned in japan, you are only allowed to info dumb your sad backstory and hope someone over hears you at some point.
Haha, I mean yeah, manga is as tropey as it gets. I like to think they're also 15 years old, or maybe 17? Still kind of children though, can't be very mature due to their lack of experience.

I'd say they're doing pretty good in that context, it could get very bad easily but it's not there yet.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2020
We are not debating evil and good wtf are you on about 💀? Is discussing what behavior is acceptable using basic logic and common sense too advanced for you to understand? Better to not talk just for the sake of talking, even more so when you have nothing to add and it makes yourself look stupid.
Both of you are being too harsh on the comments, all of us got to chill a bit about this though.

I think it's true that we're virtue signaling the characters when they are not that bad, and that we're also ditching each other's opinions like we have all the answers all the time.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2020
The flashback ends with her asking "What do you think of your new cute sexy senpai" or something like that and then we resume into the present with him saying "I HATE HER!". To me it seemed like that was basically his answer back then too.
I think it was a joke, the funny part is him giving an exaggerated reaction to her exaggerated change.
And lastly, chill with your tone lmao, this whole thing isn't and shouldn't be that serious. Sorry if I'm annoying to y'all but in the end this is, to me, the silly manga about the gloomy boy who isn't interested in the gyaru. I'm seriously over this discussion, keep it to "strike" or "dumb" reactions.
I can respect that, at least you're not being a douche about it.

Also I agree silly manga is silly.
Jan 3, 2019
I admit that was going too far, I was just so frustrated… Sorry about all that, I didn’t mean it.

As for your arguments, are you really asking me why was he so shocked? Seriously? She went from being the student council president, a respectable and hard-working person, to literally « so, anyway, what do you think of my sexy figure ? », as she is groping herself. Anyone would be shocked.

Speaking of which, she’s not just « grabbing her bresasts », she is showing them off to him asking « what do you think »
Again, take a guy, make him ask a girl 1 year younger to meet in secret, then make him show off the huge bulge in his pants asking the girl « what do you think of it? ».
The definition of sexual harassment is: « behaviour characterized by the making of unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks or physical advances in a workplace or other professional or social situation. »
It checks out to me.
I think you’re gonna lose those 20 dollars cause she literally gives 0 fucks about that. She only cares about getting every single male’s attention. She’s just frustrated that the MC of all people is unfazed since they were rather close a year ago.

Anyhow, time will tell
Actually I'm kinda with him on the 20$ part, from the way I see it, the author is gonna do an asspull and alter some stuff to make out that the girl actually likes him the whole time, that's why she's so adamant to get his attention, all of those sluttish behavior now suddenly turns into misinformed attempts at charming him (even though she clearly knows he likes the clean and proper type, when she acted like one, he's literally allured by her and she noticed but decided to pokes fun at him and "claim her victory" of successfully entrapping the guy, she also made fun of him for the type of women he prefers in his light novels). If the tags don't lie (romance), that kinda development has high possibility of worming its way into the plot, also the inclusion of extra love rivals, etc. I hope the author stays true to the character and have her truly go through a redemption arc for it to feel deserved when she finally charms the guy fully at the end.
Jan 3, 2019
This. It feels like a retconning of the character... Maybe it could've been solved by showing her making the change, even if it'd lose the shock value of the mc's perspective.
Bruh, did you ignore my comment about how this feels like a retcon the author just came up with on the spot?
From what we've seen, she constantly harasses him for not taking an interest in her ever since she changed. If anyone still try to coerced you when you've clearly express your disinterest in their shenanigans, don't you feel annoyed and want to chase them away? That's how he feels after tolerating her bullshit. The manga starts off at an unspecified period of time but it's pretty clear he has has been dealing with her being annoying for a while (maybe half a year?). We do not know if he said or did anything horrid to her right after the first time he saw her highschool debut so stop assuming. This flashback ended just as we got to see his mental reaction to her drastic shift and how he dealt with it is left untold (we do not know if he straight up ignores her, berates her or anything, why yall say he's "in the wrong") combining with how the first chapter was framed, he's justified to act how he does.
Jan 3, 2019
Both of you are being too harsh on the comments, all of us got to chill a bit about this though.

I think it's true that we're virtue signaling the characters when they are not that bad, and that we're also ditching each other's opinions like we have all the answers all the time.
The point of me being "harsh" for telling a guy trying to shut down this discussion because it's not a "drama" or "battle" manga is not well articulated isn't it? Can we not discuss what we want just because it's not about "good" nor "evil"?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2020
The point of me being "harsh" for telling a guy trying to shut down this discussion because it's not a "drama" or "battle" manga is not well articulated isn't it? Can we not discuss what we want just because it's not about "good" nor "evil"?
I guess you're right, this is a gag manga in my opinion but you can discuss it however you want... Sorry for not paying attention to what you wrote.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2020
Hmm… so she’s just an idiot then is that it? Based on her personality, the way she’s been acting, and most importantly the past we’re learning a bit about. Yeah she’s an idiot who let it get to her head, and now she’s trying to get him to praise her, when he never will since she changed too much and he hates it now.

It’s one giant ouroboros of stupidity, and he’s the root cause of it by complete accident, my god he must be kicking himself every time he thinks about it.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 11, 2020
Came back to this comment section a year later and its still filled with retards lmao

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