More Amazon Anime and Manga bans. Japan now very worried.

Jun 11, 2019
People are still necro-posting on this thread? Damn, really? I thought we were over this.

From Amazon restricting the shit that goes on their platform to a blood-bath about the topic of pedophilia in Anime. Now, I regret calling OP out on his bullshit.

It should be quite obvious that behaviors commonly represented in media will change our outlook on the world as we see fit. I think BestBoy said it best:

I think about it this way. At one point in time it was totally okay to use real children in erotic artwork (painting, drawing, sculpting, etc.) and photography. That changed when someone (likely several someones) took a step back, and analyzed and critiqued that aspect of the artwork in the context of their current society and culture and deemed it morally reprehensible because their morals had changed over time.

Yes, obviously there's a vast difference when using real children because of the immediate harm done to them, but keeping abreast with this topic helps you determine who is hurt and who is helped by it and this can be done by critiquing media. Are young, impressionable minds being shown this by predatorial family members to normalize an unhealthy relationship, or is it being used as a learning tool to warn said minds like Nabokov did? Is it helping satiate urges for people with certain predilections, or is it just the first step on a road to unspeakable harm for them? Obviously, the answer to these questions is rhetorical.

There's a lot more to be said on this topic, but that might be all I'm going to say on it. I hate discussing this stuff because it's so complicated and messy. It can't be boiled down to "it's just fictional art" or "it's morally questionable." You have to look at the processes in creating the art, the purpose the art serves, the artists intent of the art, the real world impact of the art, etc. It's not something that can be hashed out on a web forum.
May 29, 2012
Amazon never heard about "Yes loli. No touch."

Need to stop messing with my Lazy Dungeon Master and Potion Loli.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Lazy Dungeon Master
Potion Loli
Apr 1, 2020
I think BestBoy said it best:
I think about it this way. At one point in time it was totally okay to use real children in erotic artwork (painting, drawing, sculpting, etc.) and photography. That changed when someone (likely several someones) took a step back, and analyzed and critiqued that aspect of the artwork in the context of their current society and culture and deemed it morally reprehensible because their morals had changed over time.

Yes, obviously there's a vast difference when using real children because of the immediate harm done to them, but keeping abreast with this topic helps you determine who is hurt and who is helped by it and this can be done by critiquing media. Are young, impressionable minds being shown this by predatorial family members to normalize an unhealthy relationship, or is it being used as a learning tool to warn said minds like Nabokov did? Is it helping satiate urges for people with certain predilections, or is it just the first step on a road to unspeakable harm for them? Obviously, the answer to these questions is rhetorical.

There's a lot more to be said on this topic, but that might be all I'm going to say on it. I hate discussing this stuff because it's so complicated and messy. It can't be boiled down to "it's just fictional art" or "it's morally questionable." You have to look at the processes in creating the art, the purpose the art serves, the artists intent of the art, the real world impact of the art, etc. It's not something that can be hashed out on a web forum.
Speaking of Cuties, I think if anyone bothered to watch it or even see what the director has to say about it, they'd realize it isn't glorifying the hyper-sexualization of young girls. It's a blatant case of incredibly shitty marketing and pervasive conspiracy theories clouding people's judgement. It's been very humorous watching people on the same side of the Cuties debate (sexualization of kids in culture and the loss of innocence is bad) go after each other.
Uh-huh. Don't see how how director's intent changes the fact that she'd also provided high production value jerk off material starring real children to pedos though.

I think bestboy is just a midwit mouthpiece for other people opinions with no mind of his own. He says whatever internalized - never thought through - shit happens to be on his mind at the moment, even if it happens to oppose his previous stances. Just your average middle- middle class fence-sitting don't-offend-anyone niceguytm social opportunist with delusions of being "cultured" (how many times he'd mentioned "Lolita" - which is also a movie btw - ?). I bet his favorite color is cosmic latte.

In short, people like him often end up being most harmful - no matter the context - and I find it real funny that you'd decided to quote him of all people given what you wrote under said quote.
Jun 11, 2019
@nonameanonymous82435 @BestBoy

You shouldn't be questioning me about a quote someone else said but because I agree with the dude I quoted I will try to defend what he said. First, let me address your last point first:

I think bestboy is just a midwit mouthpiece for other people opinions with no mind of his own. He says whatever internalized - never thought through - shit happens to be on his mind at the moment, even if it happens to oppose his previous stances. Just your average middle- middle class fence-sitting don't-offend-anyone niceguytm social opportunist with delusions of being "cultured" (how many times he'd mentioned "Lolita" - which is also a movie btw - ?). I bet his favorite color is cosmic latte.

In short, people like him often end up being most harmful - no matter the context - and I find it real funny that you'd decided to quote him of all people given what you wrote under said quote.

Now, I haven't been in the MD community for much time but I am not so knowledgeable about the "characters of the play" but even if so BestBoy said something that was poignant and apt regarding this pedophilia debate that stemmed from me arguing with OP --- 3 months ago. There is literally nothing wrong with Bestboy and what I have seen in the past, the guy might have evolved his opinions regardless of how you think he got to them and if it ran contrary to his outlook in the past. All of these just seem like ad-homs that were levied towards BestBoy because you don't like that he has had some form of introspection. I didn't even write anything under the quote so I am not so sure on what exactly you are talking about and lastly, I don't think he is an average middle- middle class fence-sitting don't-offend-anyone niceguytm social opportunist with delusions of being "cultured" because if he was one, he wouldn't try to seek out conflict like the type you given him.

Now, on to your first point attacking (what looks like to you to be a hypocrisy found in) BestBoy's argument:

Uh-huh. Don't see how how director's intent changes the fact that she'd also provided high production value jerk off material starring real children to pedos though.

Despite what you might think, nothing of what he has said contradict his point. Authorial intent matters a lot in media and this is where I will get some hate thrown at me but it should be expected when talking about the pedophilia debate or whatever this shit heap is. I think your point shouldn't be directed at Cuties but other shit to be honest because it matters a lot. In the movie, the girls were sexualized a lot, from the interaction with the security guard to near the end of the dance routine where some dude was glaring at them with dubious intent licking his lips while her family members were covering their eyes because of the shit their daughter was doing. Arguably, this is seen as bad but in each scene, they framed the idea of sexualized children to be bad (wow!), the interaction with the security guard made him out to be a fucking pedophile (as he was) and the same as the random onlooker. There was even a time in the movie, where she was called out by her brother and actually put CP on her social media account (by stealing her phone back and taking a picture of her privates* to show online).

I would even go as far as to say that there is even more of a case in Anime than Cuties ever was. Take Eromanga Sensei, Oreimo or even My Sister, My Writer, they all fall into the same sexualizing a relationship with your little sister niche which never show any intention of commenting of the sexualization of minors nor did they try to bring into question the shit the MC does. These shows objectify the imoutos without impunity while Cuties has done so in various scenes in the movie. There is no time in which the Anime I have spoke of have so diligently tried to answer the question of "maybe what I am doing is questionable and bad" with the small exception of Oreimo but they still went and got married. While, Cuties has tons of those moments that are taking from the young girl's point of view. The funniest thing is that the director is receiving hate for documenting the shit she went through as a child and the effect it had on her.

People miss the mark so much on which media they should target because they never actually want to address the idea of CSA or grooming seriously so they never actually have to take action against something that happens that disgust them. "Oh, a movie that would have gone under the radar unless Netflix didn't fuck up with the advertising? Time to get outraged instead of levying action towards actual CSA and grooming. The moral high-ground is something people try to climb so they can justify the shit they do without thinking about the repercussions of their actions and I got to say Cuties is literally the perfect scapegoat for idiots looking for a quick huff of that cocaine that is the moral high-ground.

e: also the reason why i brought Bestboy back is because I am paranoid as hell and the thought of someone talking about me negative is one of the biggest fears others and I have so I think it would be best to bring the guy you so despise back into the discussion.
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019

also it was a nice read bro..... and your argument was focused on the "Cuties". (whatever that was).

Also don't worry about someone'll think negative about you.... Even there's one and bein a contra to your opinion or comment, we will defend you as a neutral here.
Jun 11, 2019

To be honest, it's a fear everyone has to an extent. We are social animals after all and even if we try to isolate ourselves, we do end up hurting ourselves more. We are shaped by our environment.

Also, the dude wasn't even attacking me, lol. He was attacking Bestboy for a reason that wasn't even correct in my opinion.
Jan 19, 2018
"necro-posting" was it...?

Just for the sake of fun I wanted to mention that the following series are perfectly available on Amazon in the European country I live in:

No Game No Life
How Not to Summon a Demon Lord

All the other series aren't licensed where I live, so they can't be on Amazon.

Makes you wonder why the Japanese are so worried about "foreign morals being forced on them", doesn't it? It seems like only one country is trying to force something on them while they can keep selling their stuff anywhere else...
Active member
Aug 8, 2018


1. this was months ago.
2. Not all of the series were banned, parts of them and new pre-orders were cancelled
3. others were region restricted while physical print books were still listed so it varys
4. This was months ago
5. You live in a specific country. That amazon entity's situation is unique to you.
I have no idea if that tells us anything about the rest of the world. is


In fact, July 2020 was when this particular list I linked above was last updated. People don't really track these things normally.
But the damage is often hidden but permanent. You still can't buy a K-on tsumugi figma off amazon in USA, only knockoff mobips.

It's more important to note that it's shocking Amazon actually delisted listings and pre-orders. That was very shocking moment when it happened. Why wouldn't Japan be shocked and angry?
Jan 17, 2019
Aren't these mostly J-Novel Club?

I wonder if one of the tumblr catladies had a tiff with the owner and sicced the mob on him or something.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

Yeah, that list is jnovel mostly. There were a bunch early on I posted also, but they're all completely out of date months later so I didn't bother reposting.

Interest and coverage on the Amazon delistings died down as covid 19 started getting serious and wrecking chaos on the world economy so I got nothing new.

: /
May 5, 2018
Several of Kawahara's books have been removed from amazons kindle store. No word from amazon as to why so far, but considering whats happened in the past it looks like they are removing "problematic content" again.

Books that have been removed so far:

SAO main series ln: 1-3, 5, 14, 17, 19
SAO Progressive ln: 3, 4, 6
Accel World: 8, 10, 15, 17
other non related series have been reported missing random books.

So far, only the kindle versions have been affected, but more than likely more are going to be removed.

Alternatives: Kobo, Bookwalker
Welcome to the future.
Jan 17, 2019
@firelight What exactly are they finding problematic in Sword Art Online? I've never read it, but isn't it a normie series that's basically dotHACK for youngsters? I've seen the characters- they look like adults. Am I missing something?
Jul 23, 2019
I had read somewhere that those volumes specifically have illustrations of characters in underwear or taking a bath or stuff in the same level of ecchi
And they may look adults, but basically all of them are teenagers
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

Yeah, I can't find those books for Kindle Amazon USA. Just paperback.
That K-on Tsumugu figma is also still delisted on Amazon USA as of 10/9/20.

Looks like your country's local Amazon branch hasn't experienced the taste of this idiocy yet. Hopefully it ends before it does.
Jan 17, 2019
@LunaKara If hot springs scenes and nonsexual are enough to trigger the ban, that would cut practically every vintage manga from the 90's and 80's. Heck, even Dragonball has kids bathing. But it's not even remotely something someone would find a turnon.

Viz has been really, REALLY dragging their feet on digital Inuyasha and Ranma releases, but pushed forward the relatively unpopular Maisson Ikoku by the same author; I wonder if this was why?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2019
Although I felt like this thread's premise was overblown in the first place, at least OP presented a somewhat clear topic about Amazon delisting manga and cultural clashes. But it looks it went completely off the rails.

People need to stop acting so defensive whenever someone pops into a manga thread just to randomly say "y'know, the sexualization of children is creepy!" Don't argue to the death against someone who has an axiomatic and tone-deaf view of manga fanservice. It's not important to bother to counter-argue, because you are invisibly surrounded by people who love manga unconditionally.
Aug 5, 2020
Mate you gotta be fucking kidding me Amazon Video literally had Blade of the Immortal adapted and it's fucking bloody and had fucking Happy Sugar Life (HAPPY SUGAR LIFE FUCKING HAPPY SUGAR LIFE) in the streaming service like bro why would they do that

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