Mushoku Tensei ~Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu~ - Vol. 12 Ch. 60 - Beast Race Nobility Confinement Incident, Part 1

Dec 25, 2019
@MrEd, the wording that you made here is what I would call double standards, "we think what you call "funny" is trash or immature, you would also probably call what us call "entertaining" to be boring or no fun at all". if you are keen on being non-judgmental, you would have used both terms for FUNNY and not just use ENTERTAINING. because you are already on the idea that FUNNY is TRASH while ENTERTAINING is NOT TRASH.
Dec 16, 2018
@gekigangerv No, I just have high standard in what I would call funny and they rarely appear in the majority of manga. I find the majority of manga are not really that worthy to be called funny as they are often paired with cheap superficially thrown stupid gags, and not a genius packed intertwined depth level of humor, that's why I usually use the term and call the term entertaining at best.

There's no need to put words in my mouth and assumed for yourself. For I'd gladly call what you find funny to be trash or immature but I also gladly acknowledged if you might call my taste to be boring or complicated.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2019
I remember when this manga is about a man whose hometown is destroyed by a random nuclear explosion and teleported to the end of the world, crossing the world back to the where it all started and finding a powerful ally, intriguing enemy and wonderful city with rich lore along the way whilst dealing with the issue of growing up, love, pain, and tragedy.

To think that it devolves into a high-school romcom degeneracy is such a disgrace
Dec 25, 2019
@MrEd, then Mr HIGH STANDARD that would be all, you would have proven my point regarding your HIGH STANDARD on double standards. but since you are of HIGH STANDARD, the please tell that to the people who still watch that form of comedy. I would call your taste not BORING but also TRASH to prove the point of what you are saying as double standard since I won't acknowledge you as someone higher than me but as an equal.

But i will acknowledge your idea regarding the stupid gags but this would be already on the eye of the beholder since this is already the PERSON'S PREFERENCE.
Jan 2, 2019
I honestly dropped Mushoku tensei light novel during this part, reason being that the tone and serious feeling kinda disappeared cause it became one of those school arcs. . It did not need to have a school arc in my opinion. . it could have just been a story about adventure without this pointless school arc. . it did nothing to the story!


Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
Author's Dad: I hear your work is very popular these days. But someone said something about glowing panties inside a shrine. Is everything ok son?
Author: Yeah that's my uh.... a r t . It's intentional.
Author's Dad: Son, you need help.
Author: ಥ ೧ ಥ
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Fitting punishment for degenerates that speaks like spergs.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2018
The Beastfolk's ultimate humiliation/punishment "stripped naked and splash them with water" they already mention it in the chapter and Rudeus was naked with monkey face in the forest
Interesting. I had completely forgotten about that so it was 100% a coincidence that I got so close with my suggestion.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
When he showed the his "Altar of worship":

Ladies and gentlemen, we lost him.
Dec 16, 2018
@gekigangerv Once again. No.

Just like intelligence, not all sense of humor are created equal, I'm sorry but such things as bad or worse or good or better, sense of humor, just indeed exist in this world.

There are people who won't call someone's else sense of humor trash. They are people like probably you who are trying to be polite and politically correct to not offend people. I merely borrow your "politeness" and calling it boring in your stead as that's how "people who would find panties as a holy relic to be funny" might think of my sense of humor. As you also wouldn't dare to call someone else's sense of humor trash.

If you have the guts to stand up for yourself and declare that there's nothing trashy or tasteless, in finding panties as holy relic to be funny. You are free to change your word of "boring" to my standard word of "trash" and call my sense of humor trash if it's truly deserving, to raise up your standard so it will no longer be a double standard.

After all, It's not really my fault if I just happens to have higher standard in my sense of humor more than you, as I will find it harder for cheap or stupid or nonsense things to make me laugh.

Also, there's nothing inherently wrong in having a low standard of sense of humor, or just like having low intelligence quotient as the average people have them, especially when they are young and immature, you would find it a lot easier to relate or laugh with your peers with "tasteless" "stupid" "nonsense" stuff. I put air quotes there because you might not find it tasteless or stupid or nonsense, but I sure am might.
Dec 16, 2018
@Kryon_PL I can't relate to the consistency you are talking about as rudeus actually becoming more perverted than he is before ever since he became alone thus making it more saddening to look at, the twist like for some ambiguous reason rudeus childhood friend the elf girl also won't remind rudeus of who she is, is sure also interesting but unnecessarily making it complicate and stupid to watch in the long run. Not to mention how the girl who love rudeus just abruptly decided to travel the world alone when they can realistically train together to become stronger. It's not the best plot twist or consistency logical but I suppose you are not quite wrong when you say it's more memorable than most manga.
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2018
@gaba157 that's hard to believe, Eris and he have to meet again at one point, and you tellin me he remains a broken vessel?

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