My Instant Death Ability Is So Overpowered, No One in This Other World Stands a Chance Against Me! - Vol. 9 Ch. 41 - The Strongest Melee Fighter

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2020
I feel like the text bubbles in this series are unnecessarily large, to the point where they're taking almost entire frames to have conversations.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2018
What is it with isekai's and the transferees suddenly loosing their moral compass after being summoned.
I get its another world and all that but to suddenly go from 10+ years of killing i bad, to being summoned and suddenly fine with killing a classmate like it's just another Sunday.
Choose what you're more willing to believe:
They haven't accepted the fact that everything happening around them is real and is just treating everything as a game/dream
They already adapted to how their current world functions and as the saying goes when in Rome do as the Romans do... or something like that
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2018
What is it with isekai's and the transferees suddenly loosing their moral compass after being summoned.
I get its another world and all that but to suddenly go from 10+ years of killing i bad, to being summoned and suddenly fine with killing a classmate like it's just another Sunday.
It was already explained by Mokomoko in chapter 4. For better chance of producing sage, the gift system turned them into battle maniacs, with more aggressive attitude and less aversion to killing.
Dex-chan lover
May 2, 2019
Imagine being cut in half but unable to die because death is gone.

Or better, shredded into minced meat. You don't have healing and you don't have pain blocking.
So what, do we execute car crash victims or burn victims because they are hurting. Or do we save them to give them the best chance to live on. As for being shredded one assumes you would be disconnected from the pain centers of your brain ,probably would be unconscious until your brain grows back or is put back together if it ever is. I assume weaker deathless creatures flesh would remain active after severing but while disconnected it cannot receive or send signals to the brain.
Dex-chan lover
May 2, 2019
I mean he's "killed" inanimate objects before, so killing the sea isn't out of the question
He stopped the movements or weaken the molecular bonds of objects that wouldn't help him in this case. Even in the most extreme cases where the sea would suddenly vanish, he would fall his death. Then lets say he kills gravity as a concept. Well that would probably kill him with all the wacky physics would have with 0 gravity. Or maybe he "kills " the space in front of him to teleport IRL that would fling you so hard you would probably die from the rapid acceleration that would come from space that would have to be filled in or perhaps it would create a worm hole which is also lethal. Unless if you use #Anime logic
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018
Here are my predictions:

Revenge girl is going to go as far as she can till she makes the mistake of threatening the protag, then she'll keel over dead like the rest of them.

Problem solving dude is going to use his ability and get an existential crisis rivaling that fate girl from an earlier chapter.
Oct 4, 2018
I hope this idiot die and saint then scared shit in fear like the other saint which once went to kill takato
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
find someone with a teleport skill teleport the city he is in over the sea. I dare you to find holes in this reasoning other that "theres no one with a teleport skill"
The holes are he'd definitely die first, I mean, that fish who was on an entire other plane of existence wasn't safe, why would he be? Sure, enough active intent can kill you, but execution even if you somehow bypassed intent would probably also be just proactive enough to kill before they could do it.

Like the whole point of that world eater fish was to show off exactly how absurdly over the top it can be, wasn't it? The only holes I see are why this lady is still alive.
Dex-chan lover
May 2, 2019
The holes are he'd definitely die first, I mean, that fish who was on an entire other plane of existence wasn't safe, why would he be? Sure, enough active intent can kill you, but execution even if you somehow bypassed intent would probably also be just proactive enough to kill before they could do it.

Like the whole point of that world eater fish was to show off exactly how absurdly over the top it can be, wasn't it? The only holes I see are why this lady is still alive.
Thats the beauty of my argument, the fact that we have a previous example to compare it to. Because the lady had transported them to a more conceptually lethal environment and had killing intent yet she lives. The difference is that now he cant use his ability to save himself, thats not to say he can't kill his obstacles but even in instances where he does he still dies from cause and effect. The reasoning is that dropping someone into the sea is not in itself a malicious act, leaving them there is but thats inaction similar to the demon king radiation except that killing the source will not help until it is too late. I choose not to see this lady continued existence not a hole in logic but a clue into a flaw of his ability.
Mar 21, 2019
He stopped the movements or weaken the molecular bonds of objects that wouldn't help him in this case. Even in the most extreme cases where the sea would suddenly vanish, he would fall his death. Then lets say he kills gravity as a concept. Well that would probably kill him with all the wacky physics would have with 0 gravity. Or maybe he "kills " the space in front of him to teleport IRL that would fling you so hard you would probably die from the rapid acceleration that would come from space that would have to be filled in or perhaps it would create a worm hole which is also lethal. Unless if you use #Anime logic
I mean, you're basically assuming he's bound by human physical limitations in the first place. Even if it does kill the body, there's no guarantee that whatever entity it is would die along with it.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2019
He stopped the movements or weaken the molecular bonds of objects that wouldn't help him in this case. Even in the most extreme cases where the sea would suddenly vanish, he would fall his death. Then lets say he kills gravity as a concept. Well that would probably kill him with all the wacky physics would have with 0 gravity. Or maybe he "kills " the space in front of him to teleport IRL that would fling you so hard you would probably die from the rapid acceleration that would come from space that would have to be filled in or perhaps it would create a worm hole which is also lethal. Unless if you use #Anime logic
If he can kill the space, he can kill the acceleration.

If you even count any acceleration.
You are counting on the usual measures of acceleration, which are dependant of the distance that would be traveled and the time to cross it. But not only time would be 0, as it would be instant, so would the distance, since he would kill it.
Basically, as far as his body, and his acceleration, would be concerned, the distance traveled would have been 0.

Thats the beauty of my argument, the fact that we have a previous example to compare it to. Because the lady had transported them to a more conceptually lethal environment and had killing intent yet she lives. The difference is that now he cant use his ability to save himself, thats not to say he can't kill his obstacles but even in instances where he does he still dies from cause and effect. The reasoning is that dropping someone into the sea is not in itself a malicious act, leaving them there is but thats inaction similar to the demon king radiation except that killing the source will not help until it is too late. I choose not to see this lady continued existence not a hole in logic but a clue into a flaw of his ability.
She had no malicious intent though, her goal is for them to grow stronger, she put them in danger so they either grow stronger faster or die. She wants them to not die, she just does not care for those that do.

Also, this argument is not even through the lens of him as right now, when he is limited by self-imposed seals.
If I remember right, he has seven of them, and has been forced to open two.
Which he opened after that scene of the bus (at least one of them, maybe the second one was opened when he was dealing with the swarm dude or the vampire lady).
So... his limitations there? A whole other ballpark than now.

And at this level he carelessly killed a being that eats universes maybe with barely noticing, just because it was a threat.

A reminder: when young - probably before any sealings, since again self-imposed - he was able to kill people through a camera. Or was it through whoever was able to see him, need to re-read that part.
My point is, pretty sure any attempt at scrying may be an opening for him after unsealing himself to a point, too.


Honestly, if it had just been someone with his power this story could have gotten boring pretty fast... but not only the world is slowly being developped, his somehow friendly allofness being one of the main reasons he holds back on it to the point most people don't even know his power, and of course the cast of other characters we either feel bad about or want to see if they will face him just to see the despair in their faces when they understand what it is they are facing...
It is kinda just a good example of how to make an OP main character. Him and Saitama. Just... give him an amusing personality, focus on the others even if only when around the MC, and leave the OPMC more for comedy and contrast.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
Thats the beauty of my argument, the fact that we have a previous example to compare it to. Because the lady had transported them to a more conceptually lethal environment and had killing intent yet she lives. The difference is that now he cant use his ability to save himself, thats not to say he can't kill his obstacles but even in instances where he does he still dies from cause and effect. The reasoning is that dropping someone into the sea is not in itself a malicious act, leaving them there is but thats inaction similar to the demon king radiation except that killing the source will not help until it is too late. I choose not to see this lady continued existence not a hole in logic but a clue into a flaw of his ability.
Being in a more conceptually lethal environment didn't actually add any threat to him though, therefore there was no reason, maybe it inconvenienced him a little? Maybe not even considering it didn't go off.

If being dropped in the sea would ultimately do anything to him, then it more concretely would be. Alternatively, if being dropped in the sea ended up somehow not mattering at all, chances are no one would get killed for it.

I don't think this is a series where you should expect anyone to really get a one over on him so much as just a dude who continues to go through the environment, and how people kinda skirt around getting killed for a while, and a lot of what happens in the world can be interesting, but at the end of it all his power won't really let anything bad happen. Just a more offensive plot armor, essentially.

Thing is, he's not really actively looking to kill people more than he has to, which I think is why a lot of shit that you can argue is detrimental to him but not fatal in of itself, or even two steps down the road, doesn't gets punished.

Maybe I'll be totally wrong, though. We'll see I guess.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2019
That leads me to a thought.

Thing is, it is being hinted that he does not just have instant death of even concepts as powers, but that he is a materialization of it.
And not just the Grim Reaper or something like that, but the concept of Death in itself.

What would really happen if he dies?
As in, would the concept just... go back to not have a body? Would it explode in a wave of death that destroy the universe he died at? Or would that universe become made of immortal beings, for good or ill?
Aggregator gang
Feb 14, 2019
I got this funny feeling that this dude's power isn't just instant death, hell, he probably isn't even the embodiment or personification of death. That's just the extent of the power he has shown so far & people have been mistaken on that part. Let's not forget the importance of naming characters in a story & the meaning behind those names. Remember, he was referred to as Alpha Omega, as in, Revelations 21:6. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning & the end. That one character in an earlier chapter even mentions "the end" the only being who is left standing at the end of everything. These people have mistaken a sleeping dragon for a sleeping lion. They recognize the threat, they think they know the extent of his powers but they don't, the readers probably don't either.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2019
That's... basically what I understood as "death" for him...

...but I can see now that I am being influenced by Tsukihime (the old version, only played it for now... or is it read? it is a visual novel), where... that's exactly how the "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception" work - despite the name, and the fact it kills living beings of course, that is not just death but ending those things. They can show lines or points, to cross the lines with an object is to cut them apart forever, and to press into the dot is to end it.

And we see this in-game too
A living being? Cut to pieces. No, it does not matter if you can regenerate. If you can't build a new body from scratch you are in pieces forever.
A chair? A wall? Broken apart or disintegrated.
Poison in your veins? Gone with a poke.
The energy of the living nature in the surroundings? Gone.
Soul? You can have some few moments for your last line as you disintegrate.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2019
I mean, I guess "getting rid of someone" leaves place for a loophole that it doesn't necessarily have to be to kill them, getting him far away could also count I guess? Otherwise he should problem solve the best way for his funeral to be held
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2019
Yes, and if the people there were in any way acting rational that would be a possibility.

But it was established that the Sage System makes that mayor guy the exception, and people are pushed to be more easily aggressive and violent. Which is why the two main characters' skills blocked it.

It does not excuse their actions. They did leave at least four people to die, after all, and of them two are the MC duo and the other survivor is hunting them down.

Actually, that gives me a BIG question, that if it was answered in the manga I forgot:
Two of the girls in class clearly know Takatou's power. And in fact, they seem to know his full power, or have a close idea of it (they are using their phones to check on his seals, after all).
Why the fuck would they leave him behind?

Also, I'm still amused by his fake power's unintentional meanings.
"I thought you could only kill bugs!"
"No, I can kill weak insects," he answers, pointing over his shoulder to the dead dragon behind him.
Active member
Jan 29, 2021
A anime announcement? Nice! I'm looking forward watching the animation adaptation or anime, I really do hope they wouldn't trash the story, pacing & ALL OF IT!!!

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