My Lover Was Stolen, and I Was Kicked Out of the Hero’s Party, but I Awakened to the EX Skill “Fixed Damage” and Became Invincible. Now, Let’s Begin …

Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
Lmao dude I didn't bother rating this piece of shit. Its not bias that would make me call it a 1 or 4. Its purely facts. You aren't providing any reasons as to why this manga is even halfway decent. The premise is boring and uninspired. There are hundreds of manga with the exact same story. Nothing original here. Okay then lets go on with the execution. First off the dude literally listens to his girl get dicked down and he neither leaves nor confronts them about it. He just goes along with them. Then he's shocked after getting betrayed. Then suddenly the allies just start becoming bots and start talking about some kind of sacrifice BS plot mechanic to justify killing the dude off. Its lazy writing. The author basically says, the people the MC was traveling with this whole time were actually bad guys but he somehow never noticed all this time. Its just incredibly braindead and lazy to have the characters all just instantly change from "good guys" to murderous torturers. It would be one thing if they just had the hero and the girl betray him and come of with an excuse to the rest of the party, because at least that would make them seem less like 1 dimensional villains and more like human beings. The characters thus far haven't showed any actual human traits. Its like a robot wrote this. No emotion is conveyed, its just bad guys are bad because bad guys are bad. Its dumb as fuck and boring as fuck. Honestly 1 dimensional villains can be tolerated in some cases, if the MC/Side characters have a vibrant enough personality to spark up the story. Nope, just generic MC being a "bad guy" saving his next waifu from peril because plot. The dialouge in this manga is akin to that of Oblivion. At least Oblivion is so bad its funny, while this is just suffering incarnate.

if it were to follow what you said, then the Other Genre like Isekai, Reincarnation, Revenge, etc. on Japanese Manga.. will also be bad too.
because majority of it was plain and cringe and trend dogshit too right?

Bruh that is what I'm saying. A fuck ton of the isekai, reincarnation, revenege, 0 to hero, etc. are shit. And I'm not "trying" to act like I have experience with NTR. My favorite hentai are fucking Kedamono-tachi no Sumu Ie de and Ore ga Kanojo o su Wake. I fuck with NTR, just not with shit like this. The NTR isn't what makes me dislike this. Its just the same common trope of, hero is good guy but gets fucked over because ... plot, so then the hero has to become the ultimate "bad guy" to get his revenge. Its so boring and uninspired. The Revenge genre is so watered down at this point. Its just that some guy with OP powers beats the bad guys and girls down and then rapes and murders them. Like dude this is not good story telling. So if you aren't trying to tell a good story, just make it a fucking hentai. Don't give it some bullshit story, just make rape doujins. Idk why you keep acting like I'm saying the NTR is big problem with this. I don't give a fuck that the dude got cucked. I do care that the story is lazily written and that both the protagonist and antagonists are 1 dimensional troglodytes with no higher level of thinking. The whole story is predictable. The next few chapters will be the dude getting revenge for the girl, her swearing her loyalty/love for him, and then he will proceed to either take revenge on one of the heroes or getting the next waifu, who will probably be a beast/monster girl. I'd bet my money on the monster girl. Nothing interesting or novel is going to happen. You said the story is not so bad, but it really is poorly planned and poorly executed. I don't mind reading some rape revenge scenes, so I might pop in and out of this series to check if the author can at least make those interesting. Besides that I really don't have an interest in this shit show.
And just so you know, you can like something even if it is objectively bad. There is no shame in it. I enjoy my fair share of trash manga too, I'm still reading Redo Of A Healer despite the fact that it is incredibly bad. Read what you want, no one can stop you my guy.
Mar 23, 2018
Then Unfortunately for you then.

in the first place i just mentioned people who..
Rates Manga based on their selfish emotion..
Without prior fair judgment. I know reading something like Manga/Novel is also based to find pleasure/enjoyment in emotion (Enjoy, sad, thrilled, etc).

But rating something one-sided just because you dislike a certain "thing", isn't it what they call biased?
So where would we judge with fairness?

Example as..
"Oh this manga has NTR, i dislike NTR, so here go 1*"

but if you feel offended, then as i said unfortunately for you.
If you already have that plenty experience as based on your story and still cant judge fairy ?
was that just a wasted experience then?

but, nvm, just ignore what am saying.. hehehe..
Jan 19, 2019
This is just the plot of Übel Blatt, Kill the worlds "heroes" to redeem being betrayed just so they can gain all the benefits. And finds someone else who wants revenge on the "heroes"
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@dexxonn Glad at least someone can read.

@NaniTheFuck Yeah we can just stop talking now. You either refused to read what I said or you simply cannot read. I'd bet on your inability to read, because you have basically made the same comment 3 times after I addressed the issues with your comment appropriately. You keep saying I'm biased when the reason I dislike the story has nothing to do with the NTR aspect. Please take off your tinfoil cap and wake up. There is no conspiracy to destroy your NTR fantasies. No one cares what you jack off too. It can be any kind of fucked shit, NTR, guro, vore, or even a fucking eyeball fetish. But, if it is a manga it should at least try to have a good story. The author doesn't try at all and is probably banking on people coming to watch brutal rape scenes. And honestly that's fine, I'll probs be one of those people if they can execute them in an original or arousing way. But none of that changes the fact that the story is unoriginal and poorly written. You are not being objective about this at all. Anyway have a good one, we aren't getting anywhere here when you simply cannot/refuse to read.

@Purue Idk I'm just having fun with this. I'm probs done with it though.
Aug 16, 2020
The comment section is an adventure, i enjoy this more rather than the long update of this manga.

Tbh i still somewhat enjoy this manga but getting bored of the long update and decinal chapters

I hope that this manga wont get dropped cuz of the comments

At this rate, this manga will get a rate of 4 and its only 2 chapters :(
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2019
To stoke the proverbial dumpster fire, I’ll point out that this is below six star rating for a reason... but I’ll read this anyways because it’s not that bad. Just... niche taste.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2020
Honestly the longer the title the more you know its gonna be a pile of shit

Looks over to my follow list and looks at all the long-ass titled mangas.

That doesn't mean I don't enjoy them
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 13, 2019
This is the worst manga ever created!

I haven't read it. It's also only translated to chapter 2, so? Really wonder how bad it could be for people to automatically shit all over it (especially when it was only 1 chapter earlier).

I will read it, and if it's bad I'll just stop reading it. The end.
May 26, 2018
the lack of a background story is probably intended, considering if they write it very carefuly it'd take some chapters for the viewers to be absorbed emotionally (*just like how i feel betrated when i played tales of destiny, lol) while actually it's probably only a manga to promote the novel.

however, if I'm asked if it's possible to be betrayed by a group of friend at the same time? I did ever experience that kind of thing. It's not something as important as this, though. For a group, you only need one or two "important" people that have good "charisma" to make the other would find an idea make sense. The nature of manga itself is something hyperbolic. Thus, it's not really strange to adapt it into something even more horrible, such as being sacrified.

the plot and story is so predictable? probably yes, but a predictable story doesn't mean a bad story itself. It's more about how it's written such as how it flows and how they make things coherent. At least that is what I think as what a good story. That being said, from 1 chapter+1/3 chapter, it looks like being rushed just like the typical promotional manga. However, i hope it's going to be good later. I don't have that much hope, though.
Active member
Dec 20, 2018
my lover was stolen is iffy tbh, considering the bitch didn't love him from the start.
Apr 17, 2018
Seems too tropy, I mean, why weaken your fighting force when you could just grab any random villager and do the same thing. A bit too forced if you ask me, also random female knight in distress was a bit dumb
Group Leader
Oct 14, 2019
The most generic-ass revenge power fantasy that can't even set up its revenge plot right. It's not even all that edgy compared to shit like redo of the healer. It's just plain boring. There is literally no reason to waste time reading this.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@Ace435 Glad at least some people get it. Some people have a hard time accepting that they like trashy manga. Everyone has a guilty pleasure series or 2. Too many people take it too personally.

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