Netachara-Tensei Toka Anmarida! - Vol. 4 Ch. 19.5

Aggregator gang
Feb 18, 2018
Such a ridiculous retcon.
She literally gathered up all the monsters in the forest and sent them on the warpath toward the nearest human settlement. An action that, barring the interference of some truly absurd deus ex machina (like MC), would absolutely result in many, many human casualties. Yet we're expected to believe that she wasn't willing to kill the guy she found snooping around?
Even if we accept that as true, what was her plan exactly? After the horde of monsters razed his city to the ground, she would let him out of the cage and say "Now that we have formed an irreconcilable death grudge, cya around lolol"
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
Welp that's it for the raws i guess thank you for your translations yumscans some of us would not have been able to read these without you
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
would have been better if she just killed the guy. Not a fan of media having "wars" where no one dies, not really a war then is it
Such a ridiculous retcon.
She literally gathered up all the monsters in the forest and sent them on the warpath toward the nearest human settlement. An action that, barring the interference of some truly absurd deus ex machina (like MC), would absolutely result in many, many human casualties. Yet we're expected to believe that she wasn't willing to kill the guy she found snooping around?
Even if we accept that as true, what was her plan exactly? After the horde of monsters razed his city to the ground, she would let him out of the cage and say "Now that we have formed an irreconcilable death grudge, cya around lolol"
I cannot believe we are getting pulled with the whole "She wasn't really a bad guy" she clearly talked to the beheaded head as if it was a person. This reeks of either editor or author change of heart and wanting to make Demon Princess not a badman.... but like you said she still sent a massive army to the town and nearly killed many people and defo injured all of them.

This is some peak bad writing. This notches down my score by quite a bit as I liked this series but if we are gonna get retcons like this this early then I'll believe in no stakes cause it'll all get changed. I'd originally rate this series like a 8/10, now its a 3/10.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 9, 2019
Having read the official english on J-novel. The manga has changed a number of things, the fire dragon didn't die in the light novel, but this takes the cake. The scout ninja dude died in the LN. Wonder why they did this in the manga. Thanks for all the chapters!

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