No Home - Ch. 252 - Eunyung Baek 2 (6)

Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
Did eunyung batman gambit the beef to build a good rep amongst the dormers?

Also based Haejoon— like same, if Eunyung was my little brother I'd not let him go back home with his parents.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
I knew of the rebrand movement but I didn't know it had a name! It's upsetting that it worked so well, just another way colonizers change the narrative
Can I have a sincere conversation for a moment?

It's obvious that I was rude with some of my statements earlier, and I admit that. But I won't back down on the substance.

Japan and other countries deny the existence, the rights of certain people. That's where we agree with this topic. In a similar way, my issue has been that some people in this forum deny the existence of certain people.

Abusive parents who are worse than this series exist in real life. That's something you'd probably agree with. I've just been saying that in real life, I've seen quite a few such abusive parents actually get better. I worked with thousands of families, and even though they were rare, they still existed. Saying they don't exist is just...messed up to me. And there's not even a reason behind it. It's just no, they don't exist, zero reason beyond that.

I get it if you don't like me. I'm not trying to change your opinion on that. My issue has just been that when I tell facts about real life people that exist, I get shot down even in previous comments where I wasn't being rude.

Hopefully that makes sense, but fine, whatever.
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2021
Do asian Child Protection Agencies ever do shit?

I'll repeat again for the delusional people in the back who didn't hear the first time, truly shitty parents don't get better, ever.

Only a moronic braindead idiots didn't see this was coming, the entire series set the tone pretty well that abusive family who don't admit their mistakes and don't regret them simply will never get better.

Marie father and his family abused his own sister to the point she completely cut them off from her life altogether.
Marie father and her brother abused her and that didn't change.
Haejoon father abused his wife and when he met his son again he kept making excuses and justifying it.
Eunyung parents, the worst most abusive characters in the entire series would never be different, ever, to even imagine otherwise you really need to be a special type of fucking idiot.

Really, you don't need to be a genius to know that this is how the story was going, because that's how it goes in real life too, truly abusive shitty parents never think they did anything wrong, they never change, never apologize, never regret what they did, ever.
Cutting them from your life is all you can really do.

Now Eunyung parents crossed the line, they harassed Haejoon and Juwan, who for all intents and purposes are his husband and little brother, you just don't mess with a man family.
But now? Now it's time to make them truly pay, I dont know what Eunyung is planning, but boy, it will be good :meguupog:
It’s a rare sort of person that is capable of improving from being shitty to something decent. Sometimes, a rough situation forces an individual into total decline. Given a break, or some really difficult self-work, they can improve.


Don’t ever expect any of this to happen. If you’re in an abusive relationship, just do all you can to cut it off. Maybe they can grow if just given the right push? Yeah, well, leaving them can be their motivator to start, then. Most people don’t bother, it’s too easy to stay the same. And if they bother to change, leave them anyways. Odds are their forward growth isn’t going to be too beneficial to you.

A shit person genuinely capable of even the smallest bit of selfgrowth is like a 1/20 chance(not per situation, but almost per lifetime). A person capable of growth enough that they change as drastically as Eunyung does is less than 1/100 chance(and Eunyung is a kid, he’s still encouraged to grow as he gets a lot of opportunities for clean slates, adults tend to stay the same since things around them don’t change). It’s not just the person themself, the people they know and their living situation can all be barriers to their own growth, as is seen through No Home.

So, yea, shitty parents CAN become better. It’s just stupidly unlikely since they can just drag each other down. It’s multiplicative: if one person is a 1/100 chance, then expecting two people to change is 1/100 x 1/100 = 1/10 000.

So yeah, don’t bother. If your parents get better, you can applaud their growth from a distance where they can’t hurt you. It’s possible, but painfully unprobable.

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