No Home - Ch. 51 - Marie Kim (12)

Dex-chan lover
Jun 15, 2020
Marie's still not exactly forgiven for what she did to Haejoon, but her backstory, especially this chapter, victimizes her to the point where it's understandable knowing that she did it out of desperation to get out of her family home. I hope things go well 0.0

Thank you for the chapter
Apr 13, 2020
Time for Haejoon to be the impromptu therapist despite how he is also feeling the consequences of the other's actions... again.

Appreciate the scanlations, big man Whata
Jan 19, 2018
Really puts what she did into perspective, huh. Or not, I get the feeling people are going to stick it to their guns and still say she's an irresponsible bitch as if they would do better in this situation.

But man, I feel bad for the aunt. It sucks when you are trying to help someone you love and accidentally make it worse. It feels bad not because the person says they hate you now (that's a normal spur of the moment reaction, they don't mean it unless it's like a recurring thing), but because there is no good way to help. You confront to perpetrater? They take it out on the victim. Talk to a superior? They are likely to make it worse. Try to physically take them out of the situation? That either involves talking to someone who can twist the narrative if given the platform, and taking legal action requires proof and the victim will also need to be brave enough to speak out. Shit is too real and it kinda hurts


Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2018
I would definitely maybe do some kidnapping if my brother let one of his kids freaking abuse the other, and thought a good idea to the fighting was forcing them to appear to get along.

Marie's brother is learning he can get away with this. I'd shut that fucker down early while I still can rather than let him grow into an adult who's definitely set in his ways.
Why hasn't Marie's dad listened to anything? This can't be the first time her aunt had approached the family going "wtf"
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
Her situation is very similar to the kid being bullied. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Feeling like any action you take will only make the situation worse... I feel so bad for both of them. Marie is still in the wrong for writing that article. But I do sympathize with her pain and desperation.
Group Leader
Mar 30, 2018
Imma bet $10 buckaroos the dad used to "punish" the mom to keep her in check too.
No wonder the way Marie thinks is so effed up. The Aunt can't even do crap because it'll make things "worse". If Marie refuses to back up her claims, which to avoid getting into more trouble—she will, the dad might make it so she can't see them again. That brother is a lost cause though, he's a future wife beater from the crap he told his aunt since it's highly unlikely he'll get the therapy his wicked ass needs (or time in juvie). The father deserves to rot in hell the most because he set this whole sociopath train in motion.

Many thanks for the update!
Oct 11, 2020
“Even though I’m stronger than you?”
Now that’s fucked up.
Didn’t Uncle Ben say with with great power comes great responsibility? But honestly, you can’t just go hitting your family all the time cuz they pissed you off or even if they did wrong 😑

Any, Thank you for the chapter!!
Apr 25, 2020
I'm rooting for Marie to somehow get out from home asap but I bet she won't be able to go to the dorms.
It was a ""refreshing"" chapter tho because she talked so little.

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