Not a Scans Scans Group

Jun 14, 2019
Update: I just read capable maid ch31 as I mentioned earlier and damn I can't stop smirking. They're so cute ❤ I'm even more pumped for the next chapters ! I'm so thankful to Not a Scans for making it possible and btw amazing work with the translations once again ❤❤
Dec 8, 2019
I am really thankful for your translations ,but why did u stop a person from translateing "Mylady just wants to relax" ? Are u currently working on it ? Will we be able to read it soon? I don't want to sound rude or ungrateful , I am just curious .
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 26, 2019
I really suggest letting other people translate the manga you haven't been translating for a while, I was so, so happy to see it getting translated again and I really don't care who translates anything as long as they do a good job, and that's what they did, so, please don't be so selfish.
May 2, 2020
Everyone coming here to be rude to NASS needs to take a step back and look at yourself. Youre really going to harass a group of people who politely asked someone to stop scanning?

if someone wants to pick up the manga they should atleast have the common courtesy to scan/translate it from the first chapter rather than start where someone had left off.
if you were eating a cake and someone came over and ate the rest you would be upset no?

Im sorry you guys are getting flack for asking someone to stop. I do appreciate the efforts you guys put in especially during this pandemic. Please stay safe!
Jan 15, 2020
Milady Just Wants to Relax Chapter 9 was out 3 months ago. If you don't want someone to translate it why don't you translate it instead. Don't be such an arse.

"if you were eating a cake and someone came over and ate the rest you would be upset no?"
The cake is free, It's on the party table(on alphapolis website where anyone can get access to). You eat first doesn't mean you own the cake. am I wrong?
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
They have no right to stop anyone to stop translating anything they have not touched in a while

Even if they did, they still have no right to tell anyone about anything, they do not own the manga.
May 2, 2020
@conscript117 Hanaa literally asked for NASS to tell her to stop if they dont want her to translate so they did.

and if Hanaa wants to continue translating they should just upload from chapter 1 so you have the choice of who you want to support.

They dont own the manga yeah but there should be some courtesy and level of respect the scanners should have for each other by atleast asking if its ok.
Jun 1, 2019
If you're going to be stopping others from releasing I'd hope to at least see you consistently releasing that series from this moment on, otherwise there is absolutely no reason to stop others from working on it. If it was something you had just released a chapter of the day before that would be one thing, but its been 2 months so it seems like you're busy enough with the 30ish other series I'm seeing you claim.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018

You're an idiot. You seriously think Hanaa should redo the entire series? For what fucking purpose? Just to prove that she's "worthy" of scanlating? Please keep these awful ideas to yourself.

I agree that there should be courtesy and respect between scanlators. You know what's not courteous? Telling someone to stop translating a series you abandoned because you're butthurt about a "snipe" that isn't a snipe. NASS is unambiguously in the wrong here and needs to get their act together. Or maybe just disband.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 26, 2019
It really doesn't matter who translated the first chapter, if someone stops translating a series without warning and without a reason then tells someone else to not translate it months later, they are probably gonna get some backlash, remember, most people don't care who translates it as long as its not a troll, and is well done.
Dec 8, 2019
I don't care from where someone starts to translate as long as I know what happened before . The translator (who volunteered ) could make a special place for her updates from then on . I WOULDN'T CARE IF THAT PERSON UPDATED REGURALY AND IF U ARE NOT GOING TO WORK ON THE PROJEKT THEN JUST LET OTHERS DO IT . I get it , they started to upload it and all BUT they haven't updated so someone decided to update ,that person did us a favor . We didn't have to wait idk how long til they decided to start updating again BUT NOW I GUESS WE HAVE CUZ OF SOMEONE
May 2, 2020
@Exhausted it was merely a suggestion to help with the drama. Whether or not Hanaa takes it is their choice. Im just trying to give a solution for a problem. Im not asking her to prove if shes worthy its more so to avoid drama. NASS on their discord acknowledges and actually likes Hanaa's work. The person who told Hanaa to stop just needs to post what they said so it clears up the situation and Hanaa has said she wasnt threatened.
I will leave these here because I did go to their discord for the messages:
Jun 1, 2019
@EmptySkies you keep replying on the point of rumors about threats, when the people you are replying to don't even mention that. Why? The issues people are bringing up is the fact that it's been months without updates yet they still try to claim it, but you don't have a response to that so you just keep saying "It's cool guys, look at this, they didn't threaten her at least!"
May 2, 2020

Its literally only been two months since the last chapter release and people act like its been 5 months or 2 years. Even if I point that out people will counter argue WELL THEYVE BEEN SCANNING OTHER STUFF THEY CAN DO THIS

Other scanners are free to do what they want. Hanaa asks for NASS to tell her to stop if they want her to and they did. She said she felt intimated by the group because of rumors and that theyre a large group and people misinterpreted it as harassment.

You cant win but at the very least I can clear up the misinformation thats going around the current situation to try and help calm the situation down.

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