Onani Master Kurosawa

Jan 21, 2018

just because someone gave a 10 to something you dislike that doesn't mean that you to show what right by your standards, hell that same statement you made can be use against you also.
Jan 11, 2019
Kay guys, you are all imposing negative meanings of you own making. (not all of you)

This is a story of redemption, the message I learned: we make mistakes, if you move on happiness can find you in the most unexpected ways. The world is only as dark as you make it out. There can be forgiveness even for the most messed up things. If you do not chase your love you will lose it, life is not like manga.

In novels, games, and manga - most stories - it is expected the protagonists will get together due to a divine fate. People get hung up on the need for this, it consumes them. This story is about youthful stupidity. And ignores a lot of rules common in manga.

Also, read the damn tags.
Double-page supporter
Feb 8, 2018
I've read molester man and so I prepared myself that this piece might also throw away the common manga tropes out the window, and by doing that I enjoyed reading to the end.

As a doujinshi, it has substance, and rarely will I read a story like this which is not an official publication coz, well, this story has content that would be toned down quite a bit if published.

It truly is a story of redemption, and what I enjoyed the most is seeing our main guy grow from his experiences, and affected the surrounding people no matter how miniscule it was. There were a lot of memorable events in the story for me which in turn gave an impact to the characters themselves, and seeing at least some of Kitahara's bullies reflecting and being sorry for being such immature is one of the satisfying moments in the story. They were kids, and at a very critical point of puberty so seeing them grow from that, reflect and realize from their mistakes and decide to face life is the best development or retribution I could ask for. To me it was done tastefully and I couldn't ask for a better ending.

A lot of people before me here have already expressed what captivated them in this story and I couldn't agree more
Nov 28, 2018
One of the most unique traits I've seen given to a MC and its wonderfully done story of redemption leaves me satisfied as hell. Also quite inspirational to my lazy ass. 10/10.
Active member
Dec 1, 2018
In one respect this was a great manga, while in others, it was not as entertaining. I really liked the male MC character development. I disliked what they did with the glasses girl (bullied person), I wish she was given more room to grow. I wish we got more chapters based off of main MC and the delinquent (his GF at the end) to show their development. The mangaka literally left her out after the first dozen chapters or so. Finally, I wish there was a better epilogue, mainly a longer one with more pages.

9/10. An enjoyable read, but I probably will never re-read this.
Towa-sama's Lover
Group Leader
Feb 3, 2018
tell me the reasons...
why this manga got high rating?
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 9, 2018
well, good sir, there are already numerous people stating their reasons why they rate it either high or low in the comments here. Some have their unique take on how they like/disliked it that you can read if you need reasons.
Towa-sama's Lover
Group Leader
Feb 3, 2018
@pesimus i've read those. Well. overall, what can i get is how good the ending is...
but, i didn't get somethings that make me want to read it.
of course, i've read another reviews on mangaupdates and myanimelist as well.

well... let's keep it aside.
i'm on chapter 6 right now and there's nothing special for now,
so, i should read it until the end for me to notice the charm of it.

and thanks for your response.


Apr 21, 2019
is this Molester Man level shit? is this worth a read? is the ending satisfying?
Dec 13, 2018
This series is weird as shit, wildly inconsistent and comically edgy, but the character development is honestly pretty well thought out. Plus, the romance is good and resolves well. Props to the author.

People who bash it are probably just pissed it didn't go full edgemode and the MC became a rational human being towards the end.
Dec 22, 2018
Pretty easily a 9-9.5 imo.

Don't understand how people see him not ending up with Kitahara as NTR at all.

also lol havelmom's posts are basically just https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/582/861/e26.jpg personified
Jun 28, 2019
Start was pretty weird and all. I really like how he managed to redeem himself and changed his character. Havent seen a character development like this for a long time. Also
i find the ending nice even though they "cucked" Kitahara even tho they didnt

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