"Japanese sent her to beat up other giant. "
That's exactly what I'm talking about, from the first it's an alien, then alien vs monster, then an irregular alien vs chaos alien, then the irregular turns black, then peace conference, then revolution, then everywhere there's giants, then uniting the world etc etc long list. If it's hard to understand let's take a look at first monster, she's shaped as a monster why is that? What happen to the monster girl except sitting buck naked and mutter about the light in the end? No explanation just carry on and go to akihabara, same cycle happen after Hanao defeat other girls.
Each one of those isn't backed by strong back story and isn't really solved and just left hanging for more questions while the girls just adding more wreckage everywhere. That's why I said the author just put everything they like and play along with it without seriously thinking the impact on the entire plot.
Inconsistent because they're so easy to change in a short time. Hanao's personality in the beginning is clearly tsundere, she's harsh to Takezou but actually like and care about him even blushing when there's a hint she will be confessed so she's more or less acknowledge her feelings, a good classic tsundere traits but then she genuinely confused when cosmos point that her heart throb is to Takezou. Like, what the hell are you confused for after all those? Then suddenly one page "I love Takezou", lol wut?? Takezou also can't shown as a good strong protector for Hanao and care deeply for her but can't decide if he care of her or not in the end.
Both of them is better though, the worst is the reporters and minor characters. For example the reporters motive at the start is good but in the end it's not clear, we didn't even know what kind of deal he made with the doctor or why he did that and what its impact to him except standing on the side of the doctor like all ordinary people in the background. I wonder why they still appear in the end. There's also Hanao's parents and sudden built up of Takezou and Takayama (or Nakahara?) and even photo of them taken. I don't know how the story will use it but it's only one volume left so I don't have a good faith it will be a good plot device.
We may have different views on this manga, but for me I can't shake this feelings of the author just want to show giant girls fighting another giant girls and wreck over the city, things I saw a lot in doujins. In other words, a fetish. Nothing wrong with fetish as a motive to wrote a story but when it's dominated the story then they can't avoid the story to became weak like this. Still enjoyable though.