Ore no Shibou Flag ga Todomaru Tokoro wo Shiranai - Vol. 3 Ch. 19 - Spoken Truth

Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
Jfc all this stupid ass spy had to do was confirm that she and her daughter were in fact alive. That was it. No need lie or deceive them. No need to interact with them.
No need to make up a story to make them tell you more. Just confirm that the people he supposedly killed were in fact not killed.
She should be fired for this gross incompetence as she should have been trained to know better than this.
Group Leader
Mar 1, 2019
Even if there were good intentions it doesn't change this being really dumb and it only worked out because Harold's parents aren't that cunning and they trust their spoiled child.
Not questioning the investigation just everything else.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2019
Being a reader is a bliss, huh. Just because you can act all smart after reading all those witty literature, doesn’t mean an uneducated medieval person can act like you smartass.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2020
as touching as this is at first read. .
and as cringe as it is at first read
I get the feeling the name change is a given that she didn't know of or purposefully left out
for one the setting is a time and place where verification isn't a thing for the common masses anyway
I doubt they had an id system so people might as well go by the same name and be actual different people
also judging by how the story is written majority aren't nomadic enough to go to other villages, lest they be merchants or nobles

but yeah Harold's will is probably cringing right about now
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2019
@zz2000 before 2018, it was more to the weeks side than the days side. Otherwise, he would be a lot further than chapter 116 right now. Since then, it has been less than one per month, but still not a true hiatus.
The author does seem to have some issues with depression that have slowed him down at times, but on his twitter (in Japanese) he lets people know what's going on. A lot of the slowdown over the last year has actually been due to working on the manga script, as I mentioned. He's apparently still in the midst of that.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
Man the amount of brain dead readers in these comments who are just raging without actually TRYING to look at the current situation in different angles is astonishing.
Group Leader
Mar 1, 2019
@KingNova777 Dude everyone understands but how the investigation was carried out was still dumb.
I see LN readers saying it works out so its fine.
It doesn't change the fact that this maid SPY* is the worst spy I have ever seen in recent memory lol.
TRYING to look at the current situation in different angles.
The more you look at it the worse it becomes honestly.

To add on to what this reader said she should have also changed her looks.
Even went around saying supposedly dead lady's name 🤷‍♂️
Jfc all this stupid ass spy had to do was confirm that she and her daughter were in fact alive. That was it. No need lie or deceive them. No need to interact with them.
No need to make up a story to make them tell you more. Just confirm that the people he supposedly killed were in fact not killed.
She should be fired for this gross incompetence as she should have been trained to know better than this.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
Oof. When the hero eventually gets here, he's going to have a huge wall of people in front of the 'villian' isn't he?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2019
So they're going to ruin everything Harold has planed up till now?
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
All the people whining about her exposing herself...lol

Obviously they took out a lot of details from the ln like in every single manga adapted from a ln, you pillocks never understand, go read the fuxking ln if you don't feel there's consistency, the manga is adapted from what the manga artist understands and his viewpoint also taking out stuff the editor feels unnecessary to make every single chapter.
Double-page supporter
Mar 23, 2018
@conscript117 you're just screaming at a wall, a lot of the ppl complaining just want something to complain about. I mean the NU link is right on the manga page, if they actually cared they would have gone there first before complaining X'D

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