CGP Grey(on youtube) has an informative summary of Brexit. I don't follow it, but I know of it because of his channel.
TL'DR (from what I see)
In Brexit there are three scenarios (well, multiple, but these are the general), what it entails, and who hates it
A. Full on No Deal Brexit. Basically UK becomes a normal neighbor to EU block. What it means is no trade deals, North Ireland and Ireland has to have some kind of wall (to prevent flow of goods) and UK and EU has to spend the immediate time trying to make a deal or else they have to kick out immigrants, flights get cancelled and the tunnel between UK and France closes along some other issues this may entail.
Who wouldn't want it:Everyone who has some outside country business would, in theory, not want this, because it will be either be a minor inconvenience to draw up new deals, or it will draw out and it will suck for everyone (particularly because of food imports, that would totally suck).
B. Partial Brexit. UK gets out, but some compromises will happen. Most of the deals are from said above. The issue of Ireland border (a vast amount would not want that), jobs, flow of people, trade, you get the idea. Depending on what the parliament wants, some or all of these issues may be accomodated.
Who wouldn't want it: People who want full control of UK to remain in UK. Because any one of the solutions are just compromises, and the more deals they stick with, the less power UK holds, with the most compromises meaning that UK pays EU(there's a fee to get the perks of EU after all) but have no say to the rules of EU.
C. No Brexit. It just means that Brexit doesn't happen. UK goes back to EU
Who wouldn't want it: People who want Brexit.