Imagine they set up tripwires at the top of a flight of stairs, Dr Helmer won't be getting off with just broken collar bones by then.
Also, the threat classification is based on the difficulty of containment and danger if left alone(unguarded), the monkeys don't actively seek to break containment, but they can still do so if an opportunity arise. So they're not safe, but not keter either.
@Isekaijin well... they might be monkeys but thwy know about guerrillas and warfare so they can be a threat if they want to, also they can replicate easily so an army can made and making big problems to the society
This manga is in breach of SCP Containment Protocol -████████ and violates treaties ████████ through ████████ with the █████. O - ███ approval for dispatch of MTF - Gamma - █ has been acknowledged.