Rebuild World - Vol. 10 Ch. 46

Dex-chan lover
May 17, 2018
I cannot wait for the day that shithead fake shounen protagonist dies.
Jan 16, 2023
Chapter 18
Also in their "agreement" she states that it will include, "narrow sense mind adjustment and broad range free will interference."
Chp 4

I dunno man, free will interference sounds pretty manipulative to me. I also want to point out in the previous page, she ends up stating something along the lines of "all sorts of functions without subject, Akira's permission".

He's her 499th hunter. She's also clearly capable of omitting information to him. Chapter 12 has her go through all the previous hunters in the white space. She's no where near SOL if he rejects her or fails.

The page is too big to cut but Chapter 37, page 16 here
He uses distrust of humans to inform his actions, and she says she will change his behaviour to that end. So she's purposefully going to encourage him to distrust humans, which basically is going to isolate him.

Alpha is also constantly checking if Akira is doing something out of good will, example and onto page 25.

Top of page here, Alpha's fork is asking her to "guide" Akira in specific ways, again manipulating.

The rest of the discussion goes on to show how they're not betting everything on Akira, so again he's disposable if need be.

Those examples I've already given show just how emotionless Alpha truly is once she's not interacting with him. That really drives home the point she doesn't care about him, only her goal. He at least feels a bit lonely without her, Chapter 45 has him calling her back once he separates from the other two hunters.

The author and artist have pretty explicitly shown that while Alpha is friendly with Akira, she's not his "friend". If anything her behaviour and actions more closely resemble grooming, if you consider he's a young boy and she's an ageless, amoral AI program, who constantly shows off in lewd outfits and "bathes" naked with him, while adjusting and guiding his personality in a specific way.
Wow~ amazing its like a bible with verses lol well lets just say both him and her are using each other.
Jan 16, 2023
The world can't be that small that they keep running into each other.

The AIs are now trying to keep them apart but still they come into close range.

Author wrote these encounters numerous times and you’d think that they’d it’ll come to a head but nah. They’re stretching it out and it has become tedious, tiring. To the point where I just want the MC to explore ruins just to get away from that dude.
I feel ya bro anyways i bet you already read LN (not wn)
Jan 16, 2023
Going off the manga, the previous contractor, #498 became "violently disagreeable" or something along those lines once they figured out what her goal was and yeah betrayed her.
But he is killing or targeting old world connector people ya that a good guy
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
What happens to the two girls? I don't mind spoiler.
This has apparently already deviated quite a bit from the source so any spoiler people throw at you has a good chance to be false
Especially because WN and LN deviate from each other as well
Pretty funny seeing these idiots trying to out-spoil each other in the comments every chapter and in 3 years it might turn out they were all wrong lmfao
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2019
This has apparently already deviated quite a bit from the source so any spoiler people throw at you has a good chance to be false
Especially because WN and LN deviate from each other as well
Pretty funny seeing these idiots trying to out-spoil each other in the comments every chapter and in 3 years it might turn out they were all wrong lmfao
Well, I haven't gotten that far in the WN myself, but seeing as how some things deviated drastically like how they handled the thief girl, I'm taking the spoilers with a block of salt. Hahaha.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Chapter 18
Also in their "agreement" she states that it will include, "narrow sense mind adjustment and broad range free will interference."
Chp 4

I dunno man, free will interference sounds pretty manipulative to me. I also want to point out in the previous page, she ends up stating something along the lines of "all sorts of functions without subject, Akira's permission".

He's her 499th hunter. She's also clearly capable of omitting information to him. Chapter 12 has her go through all the previous hunters in the white space. She's no where near SOL if he rejects her or fails.

The page is too big to cut but Chapter 37, page 16 here
He uses distrust of humans to inform his actions, and she says she will change his behaviour to that end. So she's purposefully going to encourage him to distrust humans, which basically is going to isolate him.

Alpha is also constantly checking if Akira is doing something out of good will, example and onto page 25.

Top of page here, Alpha's fork is asking her to "guide" Akira in specific ways, again manipulating.

The rest of the discussion goes on to show how they're not betting everything on Akira, so again he's disposable if need be.

Those examples I've already given show just how emotionless Alpha truly is once she's not interacting with him. That really drives home the point she doesn't care about him, only her goal. He at least feels a bit lonely without her, Chapter 45 has him calling her back once he separates from the other two hunters.

The author and artist have pretty explicitly shown that while Alpha is friendly with Akira, she's not his "friend". If anything her behaviour and actions more closely resemble grooming, if you consider he's a young boy and she's an ageless, amoral AI program, who constantly shows off in lewd outfits and "bathes" naked with him, while adjusting and guiding his personality in a specific way.
Firstly the 'free will interference' is her ability to actually manipulate his actions. She has the -ability- to do so yes, doesn't mean she's doing it.

Your quote from page 16...says nothing about her changing his behavior, but rather her analyzing his behavior and deciding he wont be a repeat of the last hunters. She literally says "Action Unnecessary." and then explains it's because he distrust humans that she doesn't need to act.

As for her being SOL, 498 people have been picked up, and all failed way faster than Akira. This very page you linked explains that Akira's mindset and behavior are fundamentally different from others she attracts and is yielding better results. She is SOL because the chances of her getting another Akira are super slim.

Checking if he is doing something out of good will means she does not actually have control of his thinking and thought process. If she was manipulating him she wouldn't need to ask him and instead just manipulate him to do what she wants and not help those people.

And the Alpha fork...that page is literally our Alpha refusing to 'guide' him the way the fork wants. Like literally she says "I have limited interference and a contract I am obligated to follow" If we're just taking her words at face value like we are in the rest of your quotes, then that means even if Alpha can manipulate him, it's very minor and can't actually break from his desires.

No one said that Alpha was Akira's friend either. However Alpha is also an AI, and capable to 'acting'. While I'm not saying it's true it could very well be that Alpha does have emotions and is struggling between how she wants to be and how she 'should' be. But that is besides the point, because lack of friendship or emotion doesn't mean anything.

The only thing you've actually shown that actually hints at her manipulating him is the first one. Wont deny she said that, but the question is, have you actually SEEN any manipulation? No one is questioning if she is capable of manipulating him, but rather if she IS manipulating him. Now my memory isn't perfect t but the only time I've recall her 'tricking' him into doing something was just this chapter, and that was simply to get him out of the way of the idiot because she agreed to avoid "low value trials". And Akira probably would've left if he knew the guy was coming anyway, cause he doesn't like being around him, it's just safer to not bring it up though because she's trying to hide the Alpha Fork. Every other time we've seen Akira do what he wants, and it's been consistent with his character as far as we know.

Remember, persuasion is not manipulation. Convincing someone to decide something with truthful information is not manipulation. It's only when you convince them with inaccurate information that it becomes manipulation.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2023
Sorry I'm talking about the WN. Manga and LN are going in a vastly different direction.
I think the mangaka downtuned Akira's obsession with paying back anyone who hurts or humiliates him. One of the future arcs would've had Akira barge in a gang's HQ, just to murder that pickpocket Alna who humiliated her. The catch and release in manga was taking a easy way out, because people would probably feel sorry for a girl with no ability to protect herself or harm Akira be murdered over pocket change and Katsuya's provocations.
The novel's Akira is more bitter, relentless and spiteful, much to dismay of Alpha who would probably be real happy if Akira thought rationally and, for example, let that pickpocket Alna go.
I wonder if there will be other altered events where Akira chooses to suck it up, instead of not yielding and choosing to combat extremely dangerous opponents just because they remind him of people that abused him in the slums. I mean, there's a whole insane prolonged battle in the novel that started when he was circled and told to sell off something that he already gave away - for a nice chunk of change. The dude just had to swallow his pride and give in to someone far more powerful than him, but he refused to comply, knowing what it meant.
Sep 24, 2018
I think the mangaka downtuned Akira's obsession with paying back anyone who hurts or humiliates him. One of the future arcs would've had Akira barge in a gang's HQ, just to murder that pickpocket Alna who humiliated her. The catch and release in manga was taking a easy way out, because people would probably feel sorry for a girl with no ability to protect herself or harm Akira be murdered over pocket change and Katsuya's provocations.
The novel's Akira is more bitter, relentless and spiteful, much to dismay of Alpha who would probably be real happy if Akira thought rationally and, for example, let that pickpocket Alna go.
I wonder if there will be other altered events where Akira chooses to suck it up, instead of not yielding and choosing to combat extremely dangerous opponents just because they remind him of people that abused him in the slums. I mean, there's a whole insane prolonged battle in the novel that started when he was circled and told to sell off something that he already gave away - for a nice chunk of change. The dude just had to swallow his pride and give in to someone far more powerful than him, but he refused to comply, knowing what it meant.
Oh yeah I'm definitely liking the new direction. The people he got revenge on had it coming but the cost was just too high imo.
Feb 1, 2023
What happens to the two girls? I don't mind spoiler.
Spoilers for both WN and LN follow.

WN version of events:

(Yumina is more or less a stranger to Akira, they've met a couple of times but that's about it. Yumina is part of Katsuya's local network)

During the large scale expedition into deeper parts of Kuzusuhara ruins after everything goes to hell because of interference from Tsubaki - a powerful old world AI, Akira ends up in one of the buildings while Katsuya's team is trying to kill him for many reasons I won't go into (read the WN)

In the end Akira kills Katsuya, makes him focus on protecting his team mates and cuts him into two during the opening.
(WN chapter 223)

Everyone still alive collapses from 'overload' because after Katsuya's dead their local network crumbles.
Katsuya's head gets retrieved by Nergo the cyborg, rest of Katsuya's team gets retrieved by Drankam.

Both Yumina and Airi survive.

After investigation Drankam offer a peace treaty to Akira and more or less forces their own people to sign too.
Yumina agrees, Airi runs away.
Katsuya's Alpha offers them both a deal, Yumina refuses, Airi takes the deal and gets Alias' (the new name Katsuya's alpha took) support.

Till the end of available WN chapters Yumina doesn't have more appearances.

Airi has a couple of brief ones but doesn't do much. Alias asks her to gather a team and gear to help Akira fight when he gets a 50B bounty on his head.
Airi gathers people and weapons but refuses to help, leaves the city. Gets a bounty on her own head for breaching contract with the party targeting Akira.

LN version of events:

(Yumina and Akira are close friends after previously spending a lot of time training together and even saved each other lives during other events. Yumina isn't part of Katsuya's local network in LN)

Setting is similar, fight happens after large scale expedition gets disrupted, but in LN Akira gets framed by high ranking city official (Udajima), gets accused of working with Nationalists.
Same city official forces Katsuya's to go after Akira, promising him, he'll save Sheryl despite her being Akira's accomplice.

In the end Akira ends up in a building surrounded by Katsuya's team or what's left of it + some other hunters.
Yumina goes inside, talks with Akira and after learning about what's going on tries to persuade Katsuya to stand down.
Katsuya wavers, get pressured by Udajima again (they get comms back for a while but not Alpha's support)
Yumina visits Akira one last time, asks him to surrender.
Akira refuses, Yumina attacks him to prevent him from fighting with Katsuya. (LN book 7 part 2 chapter 187 Akira and Yumina)
As soon as Katsuya notices that Yumina is fighting, he and his team rush inside but Akira kills Yumina before Katsuya's team manages to reach them.
As Katsuya's team members get killed and his local network slowly crumbles it takes a heavy toll on him mentally and he does some pretty shitty things including sending his team mates as meat shields but even sacrificing his own team members doesn't help him to get the upper hand.
Airi attacks Akira and he kills her too.
Last one to die is Katsuya. (LN book 7 part 2 chapter 188 End of hope)
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 16, 2019
Really love Alpha's smug look when she's asking for approval. Rarely see AI with that expression.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 25, 2018
Does anyone know which webnovel chapter should I continue on with after this manga chapter? Thanks in advance!
Jan 16, 2023
I think the mangaka downtuned Akira's obsession with paying back anyone who hurts or humiliates him. One of the future arcs would've had Akira barge in a gang's HQ, just to murder that pickpocket Alna who humiliated her. The catch and release in manga was taking a easy way out, because people would probably feel sorry for a girl with no ability to protect herself or harm Akira be murdered over pocket change and Katsuya's provocations.
The novel's Akira is more bitter, relentless and spiteful, much to dismay of Alpha who would probably be real happy if Akira thought rationally and, for example, let that pickpocket Alna go.
I wonder if there will be other altered events where Akira chooses to suck it up, instead of not yielding and choosing to combat extremely dangerous opponents just because they remind him of people that abused him in the slums. I mean, there's a whole insane prolonged battle in the novel that started when he was circled and told to sell off something that he already gave away - for a nice chunk of change. The dude just had to swallow his pride and give in to someone far more powerful than him, but he refused to comply, knowing what it meant.
Lol i dunno i dont feel sorry for her but pity, its 100k aurum earning like that is hard in slum standard, akira had to risk his life to earn, ya know even her bestfriend nasha was shock said to alna(lucia) might die because of that...its karma for her part (both WN and LN version she didnt say "sorry" to akira!) she was addicted to pickpocket even her bestfriend already warns her many times. akira was about to let it go (many chances he let it go but it keeps rubbing it in his face)its a rules in wasteland "an eye for an eye". Akira is a good person had ptsd the only way or route to escape if alna or lucia apologize to akira because he was a simple person.
Feb 1, 2023
Does anyone know which webnovel chapter should I continue on with after this manga chapter? Thanks in advance!
By this point LN/Manga and webnovel events are somewhat different.
If you want to start from Yonozuka station arc beginning, it's WN chapter 72 but the whole story part plays out differently.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2019
Spoilers for both WN and LN follow.

WN version of events:

(Yumina is more or less a stranger to Akira, they've met a couple of times but that's about it. Yumina is part of Katsuya's local network)

During the large scale expedition into deeper parts of Kuzusuhara ruins after everything goes to hell because of interference from Tsubaki - a powerful old world AI, Akira ends up in one of the buildings while Katsuya's team is trying to kill him for many reasons I won't go into (read the WN)

In the end Akira kills Katsuya, makes him focus on protecting his team mates and cuts him into two during the opening.
(WN chapter 223)

Everyone still alive collapses from 'overload' because after Katsuya's dead their local network crumbles.
Katsuya's head gets retrieved by Nergo the cyborg, rest of Katsuya's team gets retrieved by Drankam.

Both Yumina and Airi survive.

After investigation Drankam offer a peace treaty to Akira and more or less forces their own people to sign too.
Yumina agrees, Airi runs away.
Katsuya's Alpha offers them both a deal, Yumina refuses, Airi takes the deal and gets Alias' (the new name Katsuya's alpha took) support.

Till the end of available WN chapters Yumina doesn't have more appearances.

Airi has a couple of brief ones but doesn't do much. Alias asks her to gather a team and gear to help Akira fight when he gets a 50B bounty on his head.
Airi gathers people and weapons but refuses to help, leaves the city. Gets a bounty on her own head for breaching contract with the party targeting Akira.

LN version of events:

(Yumina and Akira are close friends after previously spending a lot of time training together and even saved each other lives during other events. Yumina isn't part of Katsuya's local network in LN)

Setting is similar, fight happens after large scale expedition gets disrupted, but in LN Akira gets framed by high ranking city official (Udajima), gets accused of working with Nationalists.
Same city official forces Katsuya's to go after Akira, promising him, he'll save Sheryl despite her being Akira's accomplice.

In the end Akira ends up in a building surrounded by Katsuya's team or what's left of it + some other hunters.
Yumina goes inside, talks with Akira and after learning about what's going on tries to persuade Katsuya to stand down.
Katsuya wavers, get pressured by Udajima again (they get comms back for a while but not Alpha's support)
Yumina visits Akira one last time, asks him to surrender.
Akira refuses, Yumina attacks him to prevent him from fighting with Katsuya. (LN book 7 part 2 chapter 187 Akira and Yumina)
As soon as Katsuya notices that Yumina is fighting, he and his team rush inside but Akira kills Yumina before Katsuya's team manages to reach them.
As Katsuya's team members get killed and his local network slowly crumbles it takes a heavy toll on him mentally and he does some pretty shitty things including sending his team mates as meat shields but even sacrificing his own team members doesn't help him to get the upper hand.
Airi attacks Akira and he kills her too.
Last one to die is Katsuya. (LN book 7 part 2 chapter 188 End of hope)
Goddamn, and here I was kinda expecting Katsuya to grow a brain and become MC's sidekick...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2018
It's not 'manipulation' like it's literally an agreement they both agreed to. She gives him strength, and he helps her with the thing she needs once he's stronger. And she clearly isn't isolating him. She is making him dependent on her yes, but that's so he doesn't get strong and then throw her out and then she's SOL. Cause for him to do what she needs he has to be strong, but at any point before that he can throw her out and she wouldn't be able to stop him.

Now whether or not she has affection for him is unclear, but manipulation is a 'nah' they are both openly working in their own interest for an agreement they both agreed to.
Except she never told him exactly what she need, what it will cost him and what she will do to him once she accomplish it... So yeah, manipulation.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Except she never told him exactly what she need, what it will cost him and what she will do to him once she accomplish it... So yeah, manipulation.
You're not obligated to tell someone everything for it to not be manipulation. By that case Akira is manipulating her. He never told her the real details of what he wanted. The two Hunters would be 'manipulating' him too. Because they didn't tell him everything either. So is the gunshop owner and the guy with the big truck. They're all manipulating him because they aren't telling him their entire plans before he agrees to work with him. You see how stupid that gets? It quickly turns into a case of literally everyone in the story is manipulating everyone. Manipulation is not so simple as someone agreeing to something without knowing the whole story. Manipulation is controlling their decision making. You are not just presenting your argument in a good like (that is persuasion) you are making it so that they "can't" choose otherwise. You're lying to conceal and hide things that would change their mind, you're making other options look worse than they are in order to get them to not pick them.

If someone follows you without question that is not you manipulating them, that is them being stupid.

The one who is trying to manipulate him is Sherry and that is obvious. Is Alpha doing what Sherry is doing? Actively trying to control his DECISION MAKING? Again I don't have perfect memory but I don't recall her doing that. She is 100% capable of doing it yes, and she has effectively said that she will, but if saying something was enough to make it true, half the internet would be criminals and need to be in jail.

Now if Akira asked those questions, and then Alpha lied to him then we would be crossing into manipulation territory.
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