Risou no Himo Seikatsu - Vol. 14 Ch. 58 - The Royal Family's Decision

Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
Hard to be a perfect wife when she can easily discard her family if it's for her kingdom.
I am reminded of The Crown when Queen Mary tells the just ascended Elizabeth, "The Crown must win. Must always win."

Her duty to the country comes first over family, hard as that seems.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
The main shock staple of warfare from what's shown seems to be mounted cavalry and mounted archers. Both need serious amounts of training to be useful on a battlefield.
In a culture where you already have an archer and riding culture, the training requirement for them is far easier to overcome. Though it depends on how far it extends, since the majority of the population in any pre-industrial world is farmers, who usually can't afford mounts, and archery might not be part of their lives to the same extent as higher classes.

And both can easily be countered by crossbow infantry units, which take far less training with far more warm bodies that make the grade to enlist...
Anything easily countered by crossbowmen is easily countered by archers. I think that alone would make crossbows, while perhaps more efficient in the long run, not be such a big game breaker. They're not significantly different from regular bows.

Crossbows are also quite old, so assuming they don't exist in that world is also assuming they don't have something we had long before in terms of their overall technological advancements.
Dec 26, 2019
I'm not very good at this - how about he show them a video of Hiroshima being bombed and promising it will happen to their city if they ever threaten his child again? He doesn't have to tell them he couldn't do it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2020
Thanks as always TOOR. The political stuff is going a little over my head, but in any case even if it's sentimental I really hope mommy and baby #2 end up okay, after a (mostly) successful negotiation that's the next big concern papa Zenjiro has atm ;_;
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2020
I'm not very good at this - how about he show them a video of Hiroshima being bombed and promising it will happen to their city if they ever threaten his child again? He doesn't have to tell them he couldn't do it.
It should be obvious that in his role is as an ambassador, he can't overtly threaten them.
It should also be obvious that he can't show off things from another world to them.

This is without even taking into account the Queen/Queen Consort power dynamic issues.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
Then you get to exactly what Aura point out: get used constantly because they know threatening your kid is enough to make you yield.

Or what, you're gonna go to war that will cause more casualties but it's ok because it's not your kid that die? (remember Aura lost her family to war, and even right now Capua militay isn't back to its former glory either)

It's not like she's discarding her son, she's just not going to yield to the threat because it's not like Zenkichi's bloodline will change and the twin kingdom can always reveal it whenever they decide it's ok to turn Capua into enemy anyway.
So yielding not only did not remove that threat of revelation, as said in the chapter it makes them MORE LIKELY TO KEEP THREATENING IT.
WTF are you even yapping about. We're talking about her being the perfect wife and I pointed out it's hard to call her that when her duties as a queen is pretty much in conflict with the duties of a perfect wife. That's bloody all.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
WTF are you even yapping about. We're talking about her being the perfect wife and I pointed out it's hard to call her that when her duties as a queen is pretty much in conflict with the duties of a perfect wife. That's bloody all.

And what do you think 'duties of a perfect wife' would be for Zenjirou's wife?

Zenjirou is very much a royal, so is Zenkichi.
Given his situation, would a wife who can't handle politics, his weak point, really be called 'perfect'?
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
??? Did you even read the chapter? What you call "representative" is nothing more than a messenger; go to negotiation table, discuss terms, return to leader, report and receive instructions, go back to negotiation table, and repeat until conclusion is reached.

That's clearly not what happened here. Zenjirou was the one conducting the negotiation, using his own judgement. Aura even said so herself, that Zenjirou's decision didn't align exactly with what she would have done. That means that she wasn't the one directing the talks; Zenjirou was. A true representative needs the authority and trust from the one they are representing to act on their behalf. Otherwise, if their role simply was to parrot what they've been told to say, listen to the other party and go back, there would no need for an important person to play said role. A relatively trusted messenger would have been enough.

In any case, this manga doesn't really showcase well how politics and diplomacy work, since even acting as a proxy grants you a level of recognition for your achievements, however minor they may be. This idea that a representative gets absolutely no credit for their work is just silly. The world just doesn't work that way.

And you are overestimating what nobles can do. Zenjirou cannot become a puppet leader on behalf of the nobility if he doesn't let himself become one. He simply has to refuse to act in a way that benefits them and that's the end of it.

Also, the fact that Ines is not prepared to assist Zenjirou in his duties as a King Consort is a major oversight. She is his primary attendant and advisor when acting abroad, and has been (presumably) trained to support him in whatever he needs; that should include diplomacy.

I read this series since the beginning since I scanlate it. Zenjirou is more or less a messenger with some diplomatic decision making ability, but he is to not go above that, period.

His original goal was to get a healer for Aura's 2nd child, getting tangled up with this conflict was just a side effect. He has to achieve the goal without pushing other matters (in this case, safety of his son) because those are Aura's headache not his. Remember, he's a Prince Consort, he isn't to make national-wide decision.

No, I'm not overestimating. Nobles' goal is to dethrone Aura, the moment Zenjirou makes himself a suitor, he'll be crowned King and be forced to have a harem to birth more heir. He is partially an OG Royal to begin with, so he is a big threat to Aura's regime, with the only thing holding him back is his sanity.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
And what do you think 'duties of a perfect wife' would be for Zenjirou's wife?

Zenjirou is very much a royal, so is Zenkichi.
Given his situation, would a wife who can't handle politics, his weak point, really be called 'perfect'?
A wife who can't handle politics is far from perfect, but so is a wife who will abandon her husband when push comes to shove. At the least, someone who will still prioritize her family even at the cost of taking a hit politically. We're talking 'perfect wife' here, NOT 'perfect queen', and when you boil down to it, what's most important in a spouse? Loyal, faithful devotion. Someone who will stick with their partner through thick or thin. Everything else is extra. Because of what she is, Aura fails at this aspect miserably and she herself recognize and acknowledge it.

A perfect wife for MC is one who'll go live a slow life with him. Let's not forget that MC's only a royal FOR Aura - just because he fell in love with a queen - he'll gladly go anywhere with her. If she abdicates, he'll follow her. If she chooses to teleport to earth, he'll gladly welcome it. He's trying to be a good husband, but Aura remains a queen first, wife second because that's how she was raised.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
At the least, someone who will still prioritize her family even at the cost of taking a hit politically.

Except as she said, by yielding to the threat Zenjirou made himself even more vulnerable to exploit (because the same threat used will always remain valid) does that not also count as 'taking a hit politically'? Since it put him in a weaker position.

Is it still protecting your family if you expose them to more exploitation?

what's most important in a spouse? Loyal, faithful devotion.

Which she is? BECAUSE she cares about him that she warns him of his mistakes.

Someone who will stick with their partner through thick or thin. Everything else is extra.

So all those times she stuck with him through thick and thin apparently no longer count the single instance you deem is a 'mistake' that is only her imagined response (since Zenjirou already handled it)

Even though this 'mistake' would also be in order to protect her family from future exploitation because there isn't a truly 'correct answer' to the situation.

A perfect wife for MC is one who'll go live a slow life with him. Let's not forget that MC's only a royal FOR Aura - just because he fell in love with a queen

I guess to you his choice to marry her was a 'mistake' and he should've just refuse, go back to being officer worker and not have to deal with politics.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
Except as she said...
Not about this instant or simple mistakes here and there. It's about her character. Aura is a queen before a wife and if she had to choose between her kingdom or family, her kingdom comes first - that disqualifies her because you're either a wife or a queen, never both. It is that simple, what's so hard to comprehend? No, I guess that rather than understanding it's just simply refusing to accept.

I guess to you his choice to marry her was a 'mistake' and he should've just refuse, go back to being officer worker and not have to deal with politics.
Based on what he desires, a perfect wife for him would be as I mentioned. This has nothing to do with his choice of marrying Aura.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
Aura is a queen before a wife and if she had to choose between her kingdom or family, her kingdom comes first - that disqualifies her because you're either a wife or a queen, never both.

...The kingdom her family and other people she cares about are also in, so by protecting the kingdom she's protecting her family within it...

literally a queen and a wife right now

It is that simple, what's so hard to comprehend?

Your logic that apparently it's impossible for a person to choose a choice that fulfill more than one objective.

Based on what he desires, a perfect wife for him would be as I mentioned. This has nothing to do with his choice of marrying Aura.

Except...he literally chose to move because his desire was to marry Aura even after learning and comprehending the situation she's in....so you're very much ignoring his desire while declaring it's his desire...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 3, 2023
but Aura remains a queen first, wife second because that's how she was raised.

Agreeing with what you said. But I don't think it's only about being raised a royalty. She belongs to this breed of political people who are statesmen at heart. There's a form of conceit involved with this type of personality: "I'm surrounded by incompetent and short sighted people. If I'm not in charge, the country will turn to shit." They truly believe it. They may have redeeming qualities, like for instance Aura seems to genuinely desire the welfare of her subjects. But there's still this nugget of conceit at the core.
Active member
Sep 7, 2020
Dare I ask?
If you
All the stupid things that the church did (like sacrificing more than half of the battle proficient population of the continent in the wars) was just so that they somehow defend from the another world invasion (demons or whatever...)
Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2023
Hard to be a perfect wife when she can easily discard her family if it's for her kingdom.
She initially thought like that but after Zenji proof read the contract with the Twin Kingdoms about his son and found a potential loophole they needed to close, she felt really sad about that accomplishment not being recorded officially (since it was a secret contract). So, she resolved to never give up on him whatever may come. Even asked Zenji to propose to her again and she repeated the proposal back at him.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
Your logic that apparently it's impossible for a person to choose a choice that fulfill more than one objective.
No, that's your own misunderstanding of my logic. No one said you cannot choose an option to achieve two things. It's from which angle did the person made the decision from that determines whether you're a wife before a queen or vice versa. The result of the choice is irrelevant because that's a separate matter altogether.

Except...he literally chose to move because his desire was to marry Aura even after learning and comprehending the situation she's in....so you're very much ignoring his desire while declaring it's his desire...
We're talking about what a perfect wife would be for him. In case you still don't get it, we're talking about the character of the spouse most suitable for him based on his personality and his desires. So, I'm not ignoring anything, you're just missing the mark by a mile.

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