I keep reading here about the betrayed hero but for the life of mine I honestly can't recall anything about him/her.
In which chapters did we learn or even glimpse about the background surrounding the guy?
Chapter 14.
There are little mentions about the founder the unnamed legendary betrayed hero, who defeated the demon king and crushed his kingdom. The person whom lil'Podesta wants to ultimately defeat.
Outside of that chapter, there are little to next mentions of the Hero Founder or the other sub-group heads of the Organisation.
So far only the Abnormal Petting Zoo has actually made an appearance in the series in the final battle.
Makes me think if the author was somewhat pressured to finish the series or just forgot about some of the subplots?
I mean there was that encounter between Yoshida and some elves in some earlier chapter that hasn't so far lead to anything and I doubt will, considering how few chapters there are left.