Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 7

Active member
Mar 21, 2018
why do i feel like the author's just making excuses to defend the MC act of running away, like it's the best choice they're scary, so you should sympathy him.

Can't you really view gizel as an another girl? i mean If you take in to account his previous life.
Oh well, just forget the dumb act, and just continue reading, i guess that's what i should do now.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
@ak0ztik Gizel? A gift? Lol no.

Just looking at her behaviour you can tell she's problematic. Abel think his sister is an introvert and that's why she has no friends... probably the more realistic truth is Gizel has just been that obsessed with her brother that she never bothered to pay any attention to the other kids. And now her obsession is expressing itself in a terrible way. You can imagine, if Abel stayed, just how toxic his relationship would be with his sister.
Mar 15, 2019
Everyone saying "don't use morals of our society to judge a different society" forgetting the MC does come from our society.

Let's look at facts:

1. He does not believe in incest.
2. He told his father that and instead of a conversation, the same father made plans to force the marriage through
3. This is the same father that refused for a majority of his life to accept him as a magic nerd and forced him into a life threatening situation. (You'd think he'd learn)
4. His mother did not seem to care all that much
5. His sister is obviously hurt and betrayed and obsessed with him
6. His sister knowing that he was not down for the wedding didn't take the time to talk with her beloved brother, she sabotaged his ride with knowledge he shared with her
7. It is literally him versus a whole clan. His future vs a future someone decided for him.
Active member
Mar 21, 2018
yeah i got your point, but
I was just looking for an impact on me to disgust on Gizel's obsession, i guess that's the what i expect for the author.
Instead of just running away maybe it's better if mc confronts gizel that he's not marrying her, then gizel's do that yandere act, then he rans away.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 30, 2018
ok i realized after reading this chapter, that last page on previous chapter is pyscho Gizel.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 1, 2018
That's an interesting way of portraying an obsessive sister...could be because of what the mother told her growing up
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@abigailshako you can add that this seems to not be a worldwide but a clan only thing as it seems they have different customs outside of it.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 6, 2019
@ak0ztik It wouldn't have really mattered if the MC confronted them about this. They'd force the marriage through. They've literally done incest for god knows how long. Incest is a bad thing, it's not about morality, it's about science.

Science doesn't give a fuck about your feelings, if science says something is bad, IT IS BAD.

EDIT: Literally, everyone that's making wincest comments are disgusting me.

With the exception of the one's making wincest jokes, obviously
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
I really hope Yandere Imouto doesn't become an antagonigst or something. But I can't really see another way for her to be relevant to the story.
Aggregator gang
Aug 8, 2018
The problem now is that no matter how many other girls appear that may like him, they will always be second and nothing more. So it will just feel empty.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 30, 2018
@Wilhelm_Stenvall uhhh science said artifical flavors and colors were all good, because its reproducible in a lab, and well, we all know artificial is crap.

@ry3te4 no Gizel will end up pulling a schooldays on his harem, collecting real heads as totems.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 6, 2019
@aigomorla Science doesn't lie though, since science is literally everything that exists.

The thing with artifical flavours has to do with human error aswell. Obviously, the researchers committed some errors.

Edit: I think people missunderstand what I'm saying; I'm not refering to science as theories, but science as facts. English isn't my main language so it's a bit hard to describe what I meant.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Science is in no way, shape or form "everything that exists"
Science is theories based on observations, assumed true unless or until proven false. Which they regularly are. Human error is inherent to science, as science is performed by humans.
Double-page supporter
Apr 24, 2018
Meya is cute, but really stoopid. If MC marries her, shes going do something and make them go broke. He needs a gril with a brain, like the imouto.
Active member
Mar 21, 2018
it's not earth though, it's a fantasy world where magic exist.
incest is bad in earth because we are imperfect, but in world of magic, different god, different body creation? who knows
May 5, 2018
@Wilhelm_Stenvall Oh, good, the science dogmatist has spoken! It seems the science is settled, guys, we can stop observing reality now!
If you actually gave a shit about science, you would understand that science is based on empirical observation of reality, hypotheses and falsification.
If you were able to differentiate fact from fiction, you would understand that a fictional world does not necessarily follow the same rules as the real world, therefore the theories of reality can not be applied to fictional worlds without at the very least testing them first.

So let's apply actual science to the problem, shall we?
Observation 1: Marren Clan practices multi-generational incest and has done so for as far back as the data allows.
Hypothesis: Incest produces genetic defects.
Falsification: If the hypothesis is correct, the Marren Clan would display genetic defects.
Observation 2: Available data does not show signs of genetic defects in the Marren Clan.
Conclusion: Given available data, hypothesis appears to be false.
Feel free to replicate and/or modify the experiment at your own leisure.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
> Incest is a bad thing, it's not about morality, it's about science.
It's not an absolute bad thing. It only really increases the chances for bad recessive genes to be expressed. As @xfaca mentioned, if a village has been practicing it for generations, and they haven't died off yet (birthing itself has a non-negligible mortality rate), then there's nothing actually bad with it so far. Any "defects" is negligible (e.g. lack of melanin) if it doesn't affect their survival (they are probably living far north). If we're making assumptions, maybe there were numerous other villages who had the same practices but had died off already, but the Marren clan just happens to have a better gene pool.

If you still think this makes it bad, then it becomes a matter of beliefs... or well, morality. Well, saying whether something is right or wrong is a matter of morality after all. There is nothing good nor bad when it comes to "science"; we just use science to support our beliefs.

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